Being Brave

Proverbs 5:21-22

“For a man’s ways are in full view of the Lord, and he examines all his paths. The evil deeds of the wicked man ensnare him; the cords of his sin hold him fast.”

Proverbs 8:34-35

“Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For whoever finds me finds life and receives favour from the Lord.”

My Dad, I love you so much. Help me this week; I’m sensing this week is an important week. Help me always look to you and not how inadequate I feel. You have called me and I will follow you..

My faithful one, you are Mine and I am pleased with you. Come, I have a word for you today. 

I love you Lord, please tell me, for I am desperate for you!!

Carolyn, the time is near. You are mine -I have spoken.

Oh Father your words are truth. Purify my heart -I worship you.

Come my daughter, all is well with you (you are in right standing with me). Carolyn, come.

Father, I’m sensing a somber time of sadness and looking down, but also of dancing. 

Yes my daughter, the time has come -I am near to you.

My daughter, do not be afraid; be brave.

My mom always told me that I am strong and brave, and I believed her without doubt. I believe you now Lord; I know I can do all things with your help and strength. I believe it so please come -I’m ready for both. 

I love you my daughter. I am with you always, even to the end of the age. 


Happy Spring Break!! This morning when I woke up I had these lyrics singing in my heart, “Praise the Lord, when the worlds on your shoulders, praise the Lord, when it seems to hard, Praise the Lord.. oh won’t you praise the Lord…” I dreamt more last night than I can remember, but in one of the dreams it was cold outside and I saw a boy who was going to go outside and he only had a long-sleeve shirt on. I was going to say something but then I saw from across the room that he had walked to the other side of the room and stepped into a moon-suit. As I watched, the suit closed over him and then I knew that he’d stay warm. In another dream it was dark outside as I was standing right at the top of a really tall and lean building, and beside me was a really big and strong steel chain that went down all the way to the bottom of the building; it was in the middle of the building, not on the outside of it. Every link of this chain was really big and heavy, about the size of a person, and I knew that the steel thing at the top that was holding it up must be really strong and solid in order to carry all that weight. As I was standing, the chain was going around and around, going counter clockwise I think. It reminds me that at the airport in the background on top of the elevator we can see part of the round pulley system that moves the elevator up and down. In another dream I was standing beside another person, and in front of us was a counter with some big mixing bowls. On the other side of the counter was a lady who felt like she was a teacher. The person who was beside me had left, and I looked at the bowl they had cleaned and saw there was still some white stuff on it that could only be seen when it had dried, so I washed all the white stuff off; it felt like that was all, like that was the last time that it needed to be cleaned because I had cleaned it well. A few months ago I dreamt that someone was leading me through a building where some people who were pretending to be nice but were secretly killing people. I felt bad for those people as we stepped around them and walking up the stairs to a higher level. Then I was standing on a platform that had a wall that divided it from the other platform. Then I saw that someone went flying and fell down to the ground, and I saw this person was outlined by light right before they disappeared into the ground. Then closer to where I was, I saw a person who was also outlined in light come out of the ground and flew up, or was brought up to where I was. I saw him come up and over the hand-railing to stand beside me as my dream ended. I think this represents a transition where the old will pass away and the new will come. The light around both of them represents that both are an act of God. I’m coming out of the grave as I speak about my journey with Jesus this week, how God has led me to know his love! Blessings…