Trusting and Resting

Ecclesiastes 3:14

“I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that men will revere him.” 

My Dad. I love you; you are mine.

I love you My sweet daughter. Come near to me my daughter and I will give you rest.

I learned a truth about that Lord; the more I trust in you in all the areas of my heart, the more I’ll have your rest in my heart.

My dear one, I have a word for you today.

Father please tell me.

Time, my daughter, it is time.

Father, it’s time for what?

Speak. I will be with you right to the end.

Okay Lord. Help me put my writing together this week.

I will help you. Draw near to me and I will be near to you. 


Hello everyone, today’s just a quick journal entry. Yesterday I took my kiddos and Lucas’ friend J swimming; we floated on the lazy river went down the water slide and the boys jumped off the diving board. My favourite part was relaxing in the hot tub -so nice!! I’ll be doing the six week small group study with a few of my friends on Thursday’s, and I’m really looking forward to it! Tomorrow my kiddos are home for the day because of no school. It was wonderful to be able to help at the New Comers lunch; I kind of feel like it was for me too because I’m getting more involved at church. Today after church we went to Sobeys, and when we were almost done I was standing in front of the Haagen-Dazs ice cream. I normally don’t eat ice-cream just because of how much sugar there is in it, but I was thinking I’d get something this time. Then Lucas showed me something that reminded him of something one of his friends had the day before, and it totally reminded me of the dream I had had two nights ago; the dessert Lucas pointed out was called Ice-Cream Mochi: triple chocolate balls of ice-cream wrapped in sweet rice dough! When I opened it up at home guess what I saw? I saw that each ball was surrounded by white powder! I’m so amazed by God, how near he is to me and how he leads.. I’ll be going to the box tomorrow; Strength: building to a heavy 4 rep Back Squat, then complete 4 sets of 4 backsquats +4 seated box jumps (sit on a bench and challenge our explosiveness as we jump onto a box @24-26″.) Metcon: 5 rounds for time: 5 Burpee Box Get Overs, 3 Squat Clean Thrusters. Rest for one minute and then 5 rounds for time: 5 burpee box get overs, 3 shoulder to Overhead (barbell with weight). Sounds intense. In the photo above is when I was doing my 5 strict pull-ups about 7 years ago -I’ll get there again! Goodnight…