Jesus And Me

Ecclesiastes 2:14

“The wise man has eyes in his head, while the fool walks in the darkness.” 

My daughter come, I have a word for you today. You are Mine and I love you.

Oh Dad, I’m so thankful for you. I love you as much as I know how to love you. Please draw me nearer to your heart so I have more room for you in mine. I want and need to love you more. Please continue to grow me more in love.

Speak my daughter -it’s time.

Dad, I haven’t been shown that I’ve broken free from laying motionless and emotionless inside the plexiglass box; wake up my heart even more Father -I need to come alive so that I can come out of the grave! I think that being obedient to you has something to do with that.

Yes it does.

So help me Dad! In my heart I’ve begun to get excited about speaking, so I know this is a step in the right direction. Father I sense you smiling at me in response. I want to please you and I know that I can’t help but follow you because of my love for you. I will come..

I know you will. Trust me – all will be well.

Okay Lord. I put my trust in you..


I actually sensed to use the scripture above on Sunday’s post, but I thought is sounded strange so I didn’t use it. Having eyes in someones head I believe is referring to having an understanding. I went running (on the track) today, 5k! Yep, the more Jesus and me spend time together, the more we will know each-other. The more I get to know who Jesus is, the more I love him and want to know him better!!! Really looking forward to summer and nice weather!!