A Brave Heart

Psalm 47:1-9

“Clap your hand, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy. 2) How awesome is the Lord Most High, the great King over all the earth! 3) He subdued nations under us, people under our feet. 4) He chose our inheritance for us, the pride of Jacob, whom he loved. Selah. 5) God has ascended amid shouts of joy, the Lord amid the sounding of trumpets. 6) Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises. 7) For God is the King of all the earth; sing to him a psalm of praise. 8) God reigns over the nations; God is seated on his holy throne. 9) The nobles of the nations assemble as the people of the God of Abraham, for the kinds of the earth belong to God; he is greatly exalted.” 

My faithful one come, you are Mine -I love you. Rest.

Father, I don’t know what to say. I love you so much; help my capacity to love you grow even more. I feel like there’s been a transition in my heart where I’ve been able to release a worldly way of thinking about myself. Yesterday I pinpointed what it was and I declared that I wanted the opposite of that. I want the opposite which is like walking completely in the opposite direction, which is also walking towards where God and Jesus are waiting for me. Thank-you Holy Spirit for leading me to know what I needed to do. Thank-you for establishing me in love beforehand so that I could let go of what I thought brought me security but didn’t. I’ve let go of that and I’m now resting, secure in You and in your love.. Thank-you from the bottom of my heart. I worship you with all of who I am. I am yours…

Yes you are, my daughter.

Lord I hear the word, “brave” in my heart. What exactly do you mean by this? I hear the words, “brave heart.” Father, are you saying that I have a brave heart?

Yes my dear one, very brave. Come and follow me and I will make you a fisher of men.

Okay Dad! I want to be a fisher of men. I want to follow you with a brave and courageous heart. I know I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Now come my daughter, for you are Mine.


I’m thankful, so very thankful. God truly is so amazing. I’m really feeling like I’m his daughter and that he’s taking care of me, his daughter. I also feel like I’m at rest in my heart. God is so good.. This morning I awoke with the lyrics, “Come alive, in the name of Jesus… this is the house of miracles.” When I opened my bible this morning I opened it to the verses above, and I thought it was so fitting because I had dreamt about seeing the whole earth:) 

I’m so relieved about the dream God gave me last night. I was really high up in the atmosphere and I could see the whole round world. I saw the different continents, not how they really are but I saw continents here and there. I was looking at one of them in particular and I saw some green trees sticking up in the middle of it, and I knew that if I was seeing it from the ground then I’d see those trees sticking up on the horizon. Then I was closer and I saw two people standing on a smooth beige flat piece of land that was rolling around like a ball would roll as it floated in water. So as the land was slowly rolling, it was bringing the two people closer and closer towards the edge and then they were both in the ocean. Then I was also in the ocean. As I was swimming I looked for the one who was having a harder time swimming and swam closer, encouraging them. The feeling I had in my dream was that we were swimming towards land. I didn’t see any land nearby but the feeling I had was that it wasn’t too far off. So yay, I’m back in the deep end!! I’m excited to be back in the deep end because it tells me that I’m trusting and walking forward again in my journey with Jesus. Though being in the deep end is harder; in the deep end is where Jesus is waiting for me so I want to be as close to him as I possibly can! 

I went to my appointment this afternoon and she said there’s nothing abnormal there! Yay, thank-you Lord! I’m so thankful for my dear friends who’ve been praying for me.. So I’m going back in six months so she can look at it again. This morning I went to the gym. We did 5X3 front squats finally! I did 80lbs. Then for the workout we did 3 overhead squats and 30 Crossover Single-Unders. The crossover single unders were pretty easy but I can hardly do overhead squats. My mobility with my left arm isn’t so great, so I only used a 35lb bar. Then at the end we did bench presses (5X5) -I put 30lbs on my bar so it was 65lbs. I just quickly wanted to mention that the lock I bought that day was a grand total of 3.75! With taxes it was 4:) I think it’s so neat how God keeps encouraging me… Something that stood out to me a bit ago was the fact that many of the books I’ve read have been spiritual military books, and I haven’t read the whole Bible from cover to cover:) I read the whole new testament but not the old. Something I keep wanting to mention is that sometimes my wrists hurt because of using the same muscles over and over again when I did hair. Some people get carpel-tunnel, but because I stopped when I did, I don’t think this is what I have. When I press on my wrists I can feel a bit of a lump, so when it aches I press on it and the ache goes away (they don’t ache very often). I’m really looking forward to camp this weekend, though I’m wondering if the Lord wants me to do all three; the zip line, the swing and the pole.. we’ll see!! Good night everyone!!!