You Are Important To Me

Proverbs 22:4

“Humility and the fear of the Lord bring wealth and honour and life.”

My Father, I love you.

I love you my darling. Come, draw near to me. 

Father, I had a dream last night that I don’t remember. I get glimpses of it but not enough to remember the whole thing. I pray that if it’s important for me to know, that you’ll help me to remember it.

My daughter, come into the light.

Father, I know the area in my heart that you’re drawing me out of right now. I know it sounds silly but I need to hang up my jeans and begin wearing dresses and skirts, not to be legalistic but because of what it represents to me; I feel more vulnerable when I wear skirts because it expresses my heart and the desire in it to look beautiful. I don’t want to draw attention; I want to feel beautiful and enjoy being feminine. 

My daughter, enjoy your feminism. I’ve created you this way and I love you exactly how I’ve created you. Enjoy being who you are and how I’ve created you. Live in abundant joy with how I’ve created you. Walk in your calling, having the freedom to be who I’ve called you to be. 

Father, thank-you for talking about this. You really do care about every detail about my life, about all our lives. Everything is important to you about how you’ve created us.

Yes my darling this is true. You are important to me.

Thank-you Dad -I’m running into the light!!


Happy Saturday! Last night each time I awoke I kept hearing the lyrics from the song House of Miracles by Brandon Lake, “…we bringing everything, to the feet of Jesus everything, in the name of Jesus, this is the house of miracles….” I can’t remember one of my dreams I got last night but I do remember another one; I had my light beige shower towel in my hands and I was putting it into something like a big square with rounded corners metal/tin thing that was filled with water. The water was a little dirty from being used and my towel was also a bit dirty because I had also used it to clean something else -I didn’t know in my dream what I had cleaned with it. I had just put it all in the water when I quickly began lifting it up, thinking I should put it into the laundry machine instead, but because it was already wet from the water I think I had just resumed what I was planning to do and wash it in the small “tub” instead. When I had thought to take it out, I was thinking that maybe the water hadn’t absorbed into it fully yet, but when I began taking it out, it felt heavy and I knew the water had already absorbed into it. I believe it represents a completion of something and having a fresh start. I also vaguely dreamt something about the arch of my foot. I believe it represents something about honesty and integrity that I’m standing on. An arch represents having a heightened sense of status or power; maybe the Lord is empowering me to be able to walk with more confidence. The other day I had dreamt sometime had purchased a house under my husband and my names and had given me the official papers; as he was handing me the papers, I saw there were for sure three -they weren’t stacked together as he handed them over to me, they were loosely put together so that I could see them individually. There could have been a few more papers but I for sure saw three. I think tomorrow after church we’re getting our passport photos taken so that we’ll be able to go to the states. We’re planning to come go see the movie, “Jesus Revolution.”One of the activities we did in my grade one class when I was subbing on Friday is we watched a youtube video of someone drawing a nest with three eggs, and the kids had to follow along and draw what they saw. I thought it was neat because of the nest in our tree… Anyways, have a wonderful long weekend!! 

Monday: Hello, just a quick hi.. Today we’re doing yard work outside. I baked my favourite summer dessert, Mixed Berry Crumble Tart from my Betty Crocker cookbook. It has blueberry’s, strawberries and raspberries -so good served warm with vanilla ice cream:) For brunch today I made French toast with these berries and maple syrup, yum:) Today I’m getting together with my group in wpg for six, doing our last session for the sermon on the mount. I think we’ll continue to meet afterwards, even if it’s to hang out:) Last night we watched the muppets, Mayham, and also The Hulk for the first time -so awesome!! I think they did such a good job and will watch it many times over!!! Blessings!!