
I love you my daughter. Come, you are Mine.

Thank-you Dad for filling me this morning in church. I worship you still, and I so desperately need Your presence. 

Caroline, I have something for you today.

My Father, I cling to You. Please tell me what it is. I am Yours Father. Please open my spiritual ears to hear Your voice and give me sight to see in the spirit. Open my eyes Father! I want to see all that you want me to see in the spiritual realm so that I can better serve you and pursue you in this way. I think my faith would grow so much because I’d need to pursue you to gain insight into what you’d be showing me; I know there’s a purpose for everything you’d show me. 

You are right My dear one, and this is my gift for you. Pursue me in it. 

Father, I will pursue you in it. Walk me to this place. Something I know I need to grow in, which I think is so obvious, is knowing resolutely who I am in You so that I can walk in the authority You’ve given me. This is my quest -please take me there! 

I will surely take you there My daughter -this is a good desire and you will walk in it. I will help you -you are Mine. 


This morning I had the privilege to visit my in-town church! I was so disappointed when we needed to turn around and come back to town because the roads were so icy, but the Lord filled me here too. I made a chocolate cake with coffee/chocolate icing yesterday…yum!

The Lord gave me a few dreams last night. In the first one my pastor invited me to help with some kind of filming. He first asked me how it looked on the monitor, which was kind of hidden on the lowest level of a three level movable shelf. Someone asked me how long I had been helping my pastor with filming; they thought I had been there for a few years, but I told them this was my first time with helping out. My pastor had tried two times, filming something but it wasn’t working; the last thing he tried was filming a couple in an intimate conversation, but that wasn’t working either. I was getting used to being “on set.” After that second attempt, he said to me, “There’s just nothing out there to film, nothing that has meaningful content.” I felt like he was getting at something, implying something, so I looked at him and slowly asked, “Are you setting me up?” We kind of eyed each other for a few seconds of silence, and then he began to slowly smile, knowing that we each had an understanding. Then I said, “yes, I’m ready.” I was ready to use what I had put together and maybe reflect on what I had put together. 

In my second dream I was hiding underneath a wide platform of some kind and I began walking out from underneath it. It was dark out, and I stood still and looked in front of me and saw a bright spotlight shining onto the ground that was coming from the sky. I looked up and saw it was coming from a huge ship. I immediately began running back underneath the platform to hide from this spotlight because they were looking for people to shoot at. Then I realized there was a war going on as we all ran towards safety. I saw adults and also children being dressed for war, going out into battle. Then I was in the kitchen area and I told the lady that I had just come from filming with my pastor, and because of that she gave me a tall mug of hot-chocolate. I had been wanting to go home, or go somewhere like home, and I may have asked her I’m not sure but then I saw her talking with another lady and they agreed that they wouldn’t tell me something, or show me the way to go home. They would keep this information to themselves because it wasn’t quiet the right time yet. I felt like I was in a “privileged” area because there were two women who wanted to have hot-chocolate too, but they weren’t allowed to be in the area where I was (I have no idea what this refers too.., although hot-chocolate reminds me of resting, or being comforted). Then as I was standing, leaning against something, I saw a little child stand close to where I was. He said the word, “Homer.” I know that in the story of The Odyssey, Odysseus wanted so desperately to go home to his family but couldn’t until he had completed some very difficult tasks..but he did eventually. In my journey with the Lord, I’m continually going deeper into where I feel most at home, and this is growing closer in love with my Jesus.