Whoever Finds Me Finds Life!

My daughter come, all is well with you -you are mine whom I love. Come, I have something for you today.

Father, there is one thing I want most of all, and I know that thats not what you mean. 

You already have this desire my faithful one. This desire is already yours, given by me; soon you will walk in it, for this is my desire for you. My daughter, I have more for you today, more for you to walk in. Do you perceive it?

Father, open my eyes so I can see! I want all you have for me today and all the days to come. 

I have given you eyes to see and ears to hear. Come, follow me and I will make you a fisher of men. 

Father, I do desire this with all my heart. Anoint me Lord, for you are the Lord of lords and the King of kings. Have your way in me Father, I’m pleading with you to have your way in me! Your word says in Proverbs 8:35, “For whoever finds me finds life and receives favour from the Lord.” I have diligently sought you Father because I don’t want to be away from you even for a second. The closer I am with you, the more life is in me, so please draw me nearer into your heart so that I can know and love you more! 

My daughter, I will surely give you the desires of your heart, for they are good.

Father, what I most desire is you above all. 

I know my daughter; I am well pleased with you -you are mine in whom I delight. I love you Caroline -rest, all is well with you. 


I am so thankful that God knows my heart. I’m so thankful that he’s chosen to live in our heart as children of God so that we can be intimate with Him, the one who loves us the most. The Lord is birthing something in me, I can feel it! I know theres more the Lord wants to do in me, and every day as I walk intimately with him, he’s leading me towards this place, and this is where I call home. The Lord gave me a dream last night that I was heavily pregnant and that I was walking a narrow way, to the cupboard for my house key. I looked and saw that I had one in my hand but I saw it wasn’t the right one so I put it down. Then I had found the right one and I hooked it onto a hook so that the key was hanging on the end of the key-chain. Then, I was holding a home-made pencil in my hand. Where I was holding, like I would if I was writing, was a normal yellow, but halfway up it was brown, like the colour had been stripped away. Someone had given it a carnal name and I said I didn’t like that carnal name, and then I saw a hand come to break that part off. What I want most is to be made whole and to walk in the Lords calling on my life.. but how to get there is like a maze to us but absolutely clear to our Father. It’s a maze to us because only he knows what needs to be put into place before the next part of our life comes, and this is so that we’re made ready for the next faze of our life. It reminds me of how the Lord makes us ready here on earth before we can finally sit at his banqueting table when we get to heaven. God the Father wants to present to his Son, us his bride of Christ, who’s been made ready for that great and awesome day. So, my hope is in the Lord as I continue to trust in him and in his leading, taking steps of faith that will help me get ready for that long awaited day!!