Follow Jesus!!

Mark 1:15

“The time has come,” he said, “The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!” 



My daughter, I love you. You are Mine.

I love you Papa. I worship You with all my heart. You are such a Good God. Thank-you for meeting with me every time I give You my time.

You’re welcome. Come, draw near to Me; you are never alone.

Thank-you Papa. Please help me this week to rest in my heart, read, and hear Your voice Holy Spirit for my message. Help me as I run on these high waves. Help me this week.

You are never alone; I am near.


Hello everyone, welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him!

October 21: This morning I woke up around 1:30 and dreamt something about Jesus my husband but I was so tired that I fell back asleep; I deeply regret when this happens. Then I woke up at 4:03 (or 4:30) and in my dream I saw a really large oval table in a room, and the lights were off. There was nothing on the table and all the chairs (maybe around 20) were all neatly put around the table with the back-rests sticking up above the top of the table. The back-rests weren’t wooden but were covered with a darker leather or some kind of material. There were no people there; all was quiet. I didn’t write this down right away so I’m hoping and praying that this is accurate.

At 6:29 I woke up and had dreamt of seeing my mom sitting on a really tall and wide, hallow, fallen log, having a leg on both sides of the log (the log was wide enough that her feet were far from the ground). There was a large body of water on my left, then a sandy beach, and then the grassy area where the log was mostly on. The log was laying on the ground in front of the beach, pointing towards the water. Then I saw my sister in law, begin pulling the log across the beach from the end that was closer to the water, towards the water. Then when the log was in the water she swung the log around really fast, and I was hoping my mom was holding onto the log tightly so that she wouldn’t fall off. I’m not sure what this dream could mean.

Another dream where I was among some people who were ruling over us. There was a rule that if they would come close to me, I needed to pay them a dollar. If I didn’t have a dollar then I think they would kill me or something. There was another part that if I had a spray can of something, and if I would spray it on either him or myself if he’d come close, then I’d be safe too. I remember that one time I only used a little of it and saved the rest for the next time. Then the scene changed where I had a baby, and I saw that the baby was laying on the floor with a light blanket covering him/her. Then when the person came close, I was safe because I had a baby and was taking care of her. Then I had walked to her and was going to nurse her, so I was on my hands and knees, getting close to the baby. I could feel that amazing feeling of when the milk begins to rush forward for feeding, and then I saw that the baby had kind of gotten up and was on her hands and knees; I saw her bare back.

October 22: In my dream I had gone to a small store that was selling food. I went to the main counter and was looking at things. Then I walked to the side and saw underneath a table, a yellow radio that was as long as the table above it. It was curvy, going up higher on one side where the radio part was. It was about two feet high and two feet wide and was thick with rounded curves. It didn’t have legs. It looked like something from the 70’s. I heard that the radio was on and I walked over to the lady who owned it and asked if I could buy it. I sensed she didn’t want to sell it and the next time I saw it, it was covered with a blanket. Then I was standing on the other side of the table where she was and I saw a big thick roll of some kind of home-made meat and I asked her if it was salami, and she kind of indicated that it could be. Then I saw a loaf of home-made bread that was nearly gone and I got excited looking at it because it reminded me of when I grew up and I asked her if I could have salami sandwich with the home-made bread, indicating the meat between two slices of bread. Then she was serving another person and as she was serving me (from the last bit of bread) I saw the slices were not perfect but that was okay because it added to the sense of it being home-made. Then I think the costumers had left and she asked me if I could follow her, so I followed her into the back rooms. I had a feeling like she waned to offer me a job to help her. As I was following her we walked to the back and I saw that customers could also go there to eat, but no one was there except in two small rooms that each had a curtain to cover the entrance. The rooms were right beside each other, and I saw and was standing right in front of the one on the left. I saw a bunch of babies; a few of them were beginner toddlers who were taking care of or sitting with babies that were the size of dinner rolls that were all baked together. There were a few rows of these (about four or five together in a row), all laying in clear water that was covering them. I saw their skin -they were all naked like they were still developing. There were a few that were a bit bigger, maybe half the size of the beginner toddlers who were also laying in the water with their faces in the water. I wondered how they were breathing. I didn’t see into the other room but I have a sense that there were more there.

Then the scene changed where I was inside a tall building, looking out of the window. I saw my husband with my two kids. The big truck was parked on the side of the road with the ramp down I think and the back door open, and they were putting something in it. I knocked on the thick glass window to get their attention. As I knocked I knew they could hardly hear me because of how thick the glass was, but the heard me and I indicated with my hands for them to wait for me. Then I had a knowing that my husband was taking Lucas to school and then Bella was with me; she didn’t want to go. Today we watched Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. I chose Mark 1:15 because I saw it on a license plate as it passed me, going in the same direction, last Wednesday on our way home. I’ll be volunteering at the World Cafe starting in November, excited about that. We had a great time in the States! We went to Caribou Coffee and I ordered a large Caramel Macchiato Cappuccino and it’s so good! Also, we each bought a pair of boots at a store called Famous Footwear. The brand I got is called White Mountain. At Target I bought two boxes of 12 Mello Yellow and Cinnamon Cheerios. My throat feels so much better; it was only in my throat and lasted a few days. Tomorrow evening I’m going to my friends place again for the Blessing study. Good night….