Linked Together!!

Romans 8:14

“…those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.”


Papa, I love You and I want to be nearer to You. Please draw me closer to Your heart. I worship You; You are the King of my heart.

I love you My dear one; you are Mine. Come, draw near to Me and I will draw you near. 

Papa I’m sensing that You have a word for me; what is Your word for me?

Draw close.

Papa I also heart Your name, Yahweh.

My daughter, come and be at rest. I am near to you.

Okay Papa, thank-you.


Hello and welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him!

This morning I woke up at 2:59 and about a second later I saw it turn 3:00. The lyrics that were on my mind were, “For God so loved, the world that he gave us his one and only Son to save us, whoever believes in him will live forever!” And the dream I had right before waking up was that I was told that God loves everyone, not just myself! I know this in my mind but I have a sense that it needed to reach my heart, and by knowing this in my heart will help me talk about Him! In my dream after I was told that God loves other people too, I was looking at a woman who was standing a few feet in front of me, and it was like she knew what had been told to me. There were two things that happened at the same time when I was told this; I saw her smile and I saw joy on her face, and I had a realization moment where it was like even though this was a different person than me, it was like she was me; I saw her personally, that God loved her deeply just like He loved me. 

Then I woke up at 4:20 (with my alarm because I needed to get ready to go to Shopgym) and had heard these words in my heart, “You wanna get green?” I have no idea to what this is referring to. I’m thinking that something is good to go? In my dream I was laying in bed with Jesus my husband; I was laying on my tummy and I think he was laying on his side facing me on my right side. In my dream it wasn’t awkward that other people saw; it was normal as if we were standing beside each other in a public setting. I had fallen asleep and had laughed at something that I was dreaming about, and Jesus was watching me. Then I woke up and Jesus had come closer and was laying on his back. I was still on my tummy and my right arm was resting close to my pillow. Then Jesus lifted his right arm, the arm that was closest to me, and put it underneath mine to link our arms together, and I followed his lead and adjusted my arm too so that we were linked better/closer together. Then with his other hand he pulled the thin sheet/blanket up higher overtop of our arms so that others wouldn’t see. 

Then in the next scene everyone (feeling like I was at a family gathering) was having chocolate pie (I had a knowing even though I didn’t see them eating because I was still in bed.) I didn’t take one because I already had one, and I wanted to let Jesus know that I didn’t take one because I already had one. Then as Jesus was getting up I saw one of his eyes (it looked really big, the size of his head, and was the only thing I saw as he was getting up). I saw that his eye was several different colours, and the colours were shaped like it was a painting (I mostly saw triangular shaped). I saw that there was a black line that outlined every colour. Thinking that Jesus needs to see another painting? It also reminds me of what I re-read yesterday in Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders, “Often truly authoritative leadership falls on someone who years earlier dedicated themselves to practice the discipline of seeking first the kingdom of God. Then, as that person matures, God confers a leadership role, and the spirit of God goes to work through him. When God’s searching eye finds a person qualified to lead, God anoints that person with the Holy Spirit and calls him or her to a special ministry (Acts 9:17; 22:21). I actually don’t see myself qualified to lead because of my inexperience, but what is said about when a person has dedicated themselves to practice seeking first the kingdom of God, that’s been my life over the last 15 years. God wouldn’t even allow me to sleep in if he himself didn’t give me a break by showing me through a dream. Now I’m in a transition where it’s different, thinking I’m past that intensive training by the Lord. Now I’m getting myself (through the enabling of the Holy Spirit) to the point of being serious about obeying God and stepping up to begin to speak.

But I’m really wanting to practice painting so I’ll probably paint on Saturday. Then in my dream I was walking around. We were at a park and I saw Jesus nearby in a field with a few other people, teaching them a sport like soccer. Then I was on a small hill and I saw two women walk happily down the hill. I noticed her summer, loose fitting capri as she did a little skip as she walked down the hill. Tonight if there’s room on the bus I’ll go with the students to the mall. I cut my own hair today and I really like it! I’m sensing that Jesus is leading me to speak my message on Wednesday and Friday.. I’m totally good with that! Even though I’m going to be nervous, I’m going to do it because this is where God is leading me.. I also really want to do this and deep down in my heart I’m so excited about it! One of the things that was breaking my heart that I believe was preventing to be able to walk forward is the feeling like I failed my kids; so who was I to be able to lead other kids? But I believe the Lord has helped me to move past that now. We had company over last night. About two weeks ago I had a short dream where Jesus my husband and I were being intimate, and Jesus told me that this is where he wants to make his home (being together with me). I didn’t post this because it’s so intimate. Blessings…