God is my Salvation

Micah 7:7 AMP

“But as for me, I will look expectantly for the Lord and with confidence in Him I will keep watch; I will wait [with confident expectation] for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me.”


Papa, I love You and I worship You. Draw me close as I draw close to You. I know You are near.

Come My daughter, I am near to you. Do not be dismayed.

Papa, You are the King of my heart. I need Your help not to allow myself to fall like I did in a dream last week. In my heart I’m clinging onto You; You are my salvation.

My daughter. Rest in Me. All things are possible with Me.

Okay Papa. I know who I am in You. I’m standing up in my heart, resisting the weight of the enemy. I know I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.


Hi everyone, welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him!

I thought it was neat when I saw this verse in an email and thought it fits well for my post today!! I tried the Gingerbread Latte yesterday and it was really good! I woke up December 3rd at 4:09 with they lyrics, “Praise the Lord oh my soul. Praise the Lord, oh my soul. I won’t be quiet my God is Alive, how could I keep it inside!” Right before waking up I vaguely sensed two people rolling down a hill (like one ball) together. This was so vague that I’m wondering if I should even write it here. I had a quick dream where I found one of my daughter’s very long brown hair on me and I was picking it up with my fingers. There was a lady standing close to me and I was telling her something about it being her hair. 

In this dream my mom was talking about her ear, and someone was taking a look at it (the feeling I had was that he/she was a doctor). The lady pointed something out, and I saw two bumps (almost the size of a marble) on one ear (more to the top) that had fluid or built up earwax. As I was looking at it I saw that on top of the two bumps (and at the top of the ear) there was another bump that was the same size, but this one was black. I wondered if I also had that problem and wanted her to look at my ears but she seemed busy so I didn’t want to bother her. Not that long ago I had dreamt that I saw a round (about the size of a dime) black circle in the middle of my upper back, close to my neck. Last week or two weeks ago on Wednesday I felt something like a hook (spiritual) come out of my back and I felt myself settle into the mattress more because it was gone. I’m wondering if this black bump represents the enemy again? Most of the time I don’t notice the difference in my hearing, but other times I do.

In another dream Lucas and his “boss” were coming after me. I had said that I was going to do something and I didn’t, so I was going to be killed because it was the law. I had evaded them for awhile but then I allowed myself to be caught; I was standing in a hallway and on my right was a room that could have been a bathroom I’m not sure, but I saw Lucas way down on the other end of the hallway, and I saw that he saw me. Then I had gone into the room (small) that I was close to and Lucas had come there very quickly. I had a sense that his boss was there too, and I let them get me. I had a feeling that his boss had a lot of authority. Then I was riding my bike on a town or city street. It was summer and very beautiful outside. I was riding my bike, going towards the place that would kill me, and I was really sad that I was going to lose my life because I really loved living. I couldn’t understand why I needed to be killed, just because I had done one thing wrong. I don’t know what this dream means. I also dreamt that I vaguely saw my mom laying down and she said something that I thought was funny. Then she said another thing that I thought was funny, and I laughed and said, “mom, you’re so funny!” 

Last night I couldn’t sleep. I went to bed around ten and couldn’t sleep so I got up around 11:00 and worked on my message. It was really nice to work on it then because I didn’t feel any pressure to stop. But because I planned to go to Shopgym I thought I needed to get some sleep so I went back to bed around 1:30. I was still wide awake for another hour or so and then I think I fell asleep. But then I decided not to go to Shopgym. Having said all that, I think my message wont’ take very long to adjust; I know I need to do it quickly. I need to visit my mom this week, thinking I’ll go tomorrow. This evening is Bella’s Christmas Band concert, and next week Monday evening is Lucas’. Yesterday evening we watched The Nutcracker and the Four Realms. We watched it some years ago but it was good to watch again. Alrighty, many blessings to you…..