Made New!

Psalm 37:5 -AMP

“Commit your way to the Lord: trust also in Him and He will bring it to pass.” 


I love You Papa. I love You Holy Spirit, and I love You Jesus my Saviour; I worship You with all my heart! Thank-you for the way You’ve tended to the wounds of my heart. Thank you that the wounding time is ending and that You’ve brought so much, maybe full healing to my heart. 

I love you My darling. Come, all is well with you. You are Mine now and forever. 

Papa, I feel like my life is made new. I have so much hope and joy in my heart. Please fan the flame in my heart for You so it’ll grow stronger and more passionate. I give my life to You again today. Help me be all You want me to be. I am Your daughter! My heart belongs to You! 

Abide in My and My words will abide in You My faithful one.

Okay Papa. I fully trust in You and I’m ready to follow You wherever You lead!

Come, I am near to you. 


Hi everyone, welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him!

Last night I dreamt that it was family against family; every family had to try and kill another family (I think this has something to do with a game using nerf-guns or foam swords). Then the scene changed where there was a nice conservative lady standing a few feet in front of me, saying that she couldn’t kill another person. Then I was with my family (who I vaguely saw but saw that we were all adults) and there was another family (all adults) in front of us. As the family was coming closer, I pleaded with them to work together as a team, thinking that we’re stronger together, but they wouldn’t listen and kept coming closer one step at a time. So then the fighting began (everyone had their own knife), and the feeling I had was that I did everything I could and now I had no choice but to do what we had been told to do, as I walked to the back wall where my knife was laying on a narrow table. My knife had a protective cover that the blade slid into, but I saw that the knife had already been pulled out of it. I vaguely remember seeing that the handle of my knife was yellow, though I’m not sure if I’m remembering it correctly. We have a knife at home that has a yellow handle, and it reminds me of that, except in my dream the blade was about a foot long. My knife was laying with a few other knives. So I picked it up and was ready to fight when all of a sudden the fight was over! Someone had sliced another person on his chest and blood was spilled so the fight was over. The feeling I had in my dream and now too when I’m remembering it is that because blood was spilled, something had been met like something had been paid for, so the fight was over. It’s over! In my dream I was surprised that it was done so quickly. Then I saw the man who had been cut walking towards me. I saw the deep gash in his chest; it started on the upper right side (his right side) and went down almost to his tummy. I could see that it was a deep cut by how it looked. I could see that it had been cleaned and tended to and was healing. I’m thinking that this wound could represent the long time of waiting. I think that even though God’s journey for us is long, that our heart can still be wounded by how long it takes and that there’s healing from the length of it. We have wearied ourselves for the Lord and there is nothing more fulfilling than that! Because of this long journey, I’m more alive now than I’ve ever been in my life, and I know without doubt who my Jesus is. Yesterday I was washing the windows of my house and I dropped the water bucket!! I thought, I got it, but then wasn’t able to to.. so sad but understandable.. With all the snow outside today I’m so glad I cleaned them yesterday! I had my black pastor shoes on as an act of faith (so I can see better spiritually). Many blessings….☺️