It’s Time!!!!

Luke 18:7,8

“And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”


Papa, please forgive me for every way I’ve sinned against You. 

I forgive you My daughter. You are Mine. 

Papa, I seek Your face! Shine Your light on me and into my heart; I want to be fully known!

Come, My faithful one, let’s go!

Yes Papa, I’m ready! Please lead me further. I love You. Papa, do You have another word for me?

Rest (about worrying that I’m going to miss God again, because I’m sensing another test coming)

Okay Papa, I can rest because I know that we’re all on the same team. Please give me discernment and a willing heart to follow You in every single way. Help me to follow You exactly.

Come My faithful one, it’s time.

Papa, I’m ready for You and I’m ready for Jesus, please lead me there!! 


Hello and welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him! 

This is my 555th Post!!! WooHoo!!! The reason I chose the scripture above is because it’s, The Parable of the Persistent Widow.” She came back again and again seeking justice, and I’m standing on these verses and praying again and again for God to enable me not to miss Him this time around. I’m sensing more testing is coming and I need to make it this time!! 

Early this morning I was woken up by the Lord, and I wish I could say I immediately got up but I fell back asleep. He woke me up again at 2:58 and so I got up and went downstairs to pray. These are my notes and thoughts. For a lot of it I went back into it and said what I think they mean, but I’m sensing Im in a transition where I’ve given everything to Jesus, and now it’s just some of the thistles that I need to talk about, which I’ve started here.

3:11 I’m thinking, what a privilege it is to be journeying with Jesus, learning how to discern the Holy Spirit!

In my prayer time I must have started to doze off; I dreamt that I was in some sort of public room and Bella came and stood in front of me and she had car keys in her hand. The feeling I had was that she could drive now and was more independent. 

Dream where I was outside and I saw the person who had come home, washing dishes at the sink in bright light. I believe it represents me getting up at night to spend time with God. Where I was crouching and trying not to be seen represents me, having a hard time getting up. It was difficult getting up this night. God woke me up after 2:00 and I slept in again and woke up again and got up at 2:58. 

5:10: I had fallen asleep and the Lord just gave me a challenge, and I had the feeling like He wanted Jesus my husband to tell me about it. Or the telling me about it so that I wouldn’t be in the dark is my own desire I’m not sure. 

5:15 “Deep cries out, deep cries out to You we cry out, we cry out to you Jesus!” Stirring up deep deep wells, stirring up deep deep water Im going to jump in the river, jump in the river.

5:35 I was sitting or standing by a curb and I looked down and saw toonie and loonie . I wanted to pick it up but then I was a little further down along the same curb, and I saw gold and silver coins laying by the curb again, a loonie and a toonie and some silver change- quarters at least three, and dimes. As I bent over to pick them up I saw an oversized coin (it looked old and smooth because of use) with a smaller coin on top of that, so I was wondering what kind of coin it was that was underneath the smaller coin. As I was bending over to pick it up, I looked to see what it was and saw it was an oversize loonie. So I picked them up and put them into my right side pocket. Some kids had been there and would take it if they saw I had it, so I was hoping they wouldn’t notice that I had found the money. I heard the children running excitedly down a street nearby, and the feeling I had about that is that they were running towards something they had found or that they were hoping to find. I saw another dime laying on the curb among some debree, and I was looking at it, wondering if it’s important, but I’m not sure if I picked it up. Then I began going back to the place where I had been standing before to pick up the money I had seen before (that I hadn’t picked up yet). Somewhere in this dream I saw a small polar bear, like it had been cut out of a toonie, but it was a bit bigger than the one on Toonies. In waking life I believe that God is allowing me to be able to give my tithe!!! The first tithe money in my dream I had left, but I was going back to get it. So I’ll see if it’s still there, (though I’m not sure if it means exactly that), but today as I was putting the money somewhere in my purse so that my kids wouldn’t find it, it reminded me of my dream when I was putting it into my pocket. So I think it means that I will bring fresh money, including toonies and loonies and dimes?When I saw the bear that looked like it had been cut out of a coin, the feeling I had was that there were memories attached to it, and the polar bear reminds me of cold weather, so I believe that when I give it away, I’m also giving away all those memories. 

6:19 In this dream I had come into my parents house and it was night. I was in the kitchen doing something, I’m not sure what. Then I noticed my mom had shut the wooden door between the kitchen and living room where their room was off of. I heard the radio in the living room a bit loud and knew she hadn’t heard me coming in. I was debating to open the door and turn on the lights to see if everything okay; I was wondering if there was someone in there, like a burglar. I wasn’t sure where the light switch was so I knew I wouldn’t be able to catch them by surprise, so I think I wasn’t going to open the door. But before my dream ended I was walking towards the door and I was aware that my shadow would be seen underneath the door because there wasn’t any light on in the living room and the lights were turned on in the kitchen. The door was made of long wide wood pieces that were cut from tree trunks. I saw the roughness of it and saw that the long lines in the tree trunk were broken off at some places, but then were still together because of an underneath layer. I was afraid that I would find a burglar on the other side of the door. And I think that’s the reason why my mom had turned on the radio, so that she wouldn’t hear if someone came into the kitchen where I had come in. I think this means that I was about to enter the door of memories, some of which I had forgotten. Thinking that she didn’t need to worry because it was only me coming into the kitchen, relating it to Jesus, that I don’t need to worry because it’s Jesus coming into the house. This dream about casting a shadow underneath the doorway reminds me of the dream I had, that I had just come home from being in a rough battle. I had been siting on the single bed and I got up to go into the house. Because it was really bright in my room, I would create a shadow underneath the doorway, and then my kids would know that I was home. Then I was walking in a main area of the house and I bent down to pick up a plastic bag with my toothpaste and toothbrush. Then as I was walking, Jesus (who I now know is Jesus my husband) walk walking towards my direction. For a split of a second I thought to run, but then I changed my mind and embraced him instead. It was like coming home… 

After the kids went to school I took a nap. At 9:56 I heard just before waking up, “Just gotta get rid of some thorns”

 10:12 Dreamt that I was in church, sitting in a seat in the east/middle section, closer to the front. Church was about to start and Jesus my husband was ready to go up. He was looking down, rehearsing what he would say, pacing a little as he waited for the right time to go up. He was more on the west side, and kind of in the middle between the two front and back sections. When it was time he would walk up the isle that is slightly at a slant (I think) where I could watch him walk up. 

10:24 I was with Connie outside in the winter. I was looking into the review mirror, and I saw a truck coming that was going to pass us. I could see it was really cold by all the exhaust going up behind the truck. I think it was Connie who said something like, “You have no idea” about something, like how bad something had been. 

Something that stands out to me from Tuesday night is to have lots of time to prepare.. thinking about camp, is that what the thoughts are? If they are then yes, I will prepare for that (Joseph). If I’m running ahead of myself then I’ll come to know that as well. That’s it! Blessings…

January 19: The first thing I want to say is, I love being hooked onto Jesus, don’t you? I’m Simply amazed!! Last night I woke up at 3:37 with the word, “stump” on my mind. This morning at Shopgym one of the things we did was drop a black weighted ball from our shoulders. We’d bring it up onto our shoulders and drop it, then bring it up to our other shoulder and drop it again. It reminds me of a dream I had a little while ago where I was in the air and I dropped a ball and it bounced two bounces I think before it landed in a backyard. I’m still not sure what this represents. Today I needed to pick someone up and I couldn’t follow google maps because I haven’t called Rogers yet to help figure out why my phone can’t use data. I took photos of the map (from google maps) from home but for some reason I missed a turn and couldn’t find one of the roads. So I found myself back where I started and had made one loop. Then I started again and soon drove on the wrong road again, but this time I stopped and looked at the photo of the map again and saw that I could go the other way around and that would take me to her house. So that’s what I did and I was so relieved to find it! I only made one loop, thinking it could represent the loop I’ve already made when I felt that I missed God. It reminds me of the dream I had where I was following a couple through an inside maze of hallways and soon I lost them. Then I went to the kiosk to get a map and they gave me one but when I opened it, there was nothing on it. When I went back to ask them about it, the kiosk was closed. I believe this represents that I needed to learn how to navigate through this maze of a journey I’ve been on with Jesus, completely dependant on the Holy Spirit. It also reminds me of another dream where I was driving my car on a maze of bridges and highways that from above looked like a bowl of spaghetti. I was driving really fast and I only had a second to decide which turnoff to take next. I needed to be alert all the time as I took one road after another. Then the last road I took led me to the quiet peaceful countryside which was my destination. In waking life I knew this represented my quiet time with God. In my dream I needed to drive in this maze everyday in order to find my quiet time with God; it was an encouragement for me to have that perspective. Blessings…