I’m A Survivor!

“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him.”  2 Corinthians 2:14


Papa, I love You and I worship You. I’m so amazed by Your ability to give people dreams. You are so amazing; my heart cannot comprehend how Great and Holy You are.

I love you My dear one. You are Mine. Come.

Papa, I crave to be closer to You and to walk in the fullness of Your purpose for me. You have led me so far; I can’t imagine my life without being close to You and walking in my purpose with You. You are my greatest hearts desire. 

Come and worship My darling. I am yours and you are Mine. 


Hello and welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him. For the past while God has been taking me through a spiritual shower. I believe He’s preparing me for what’s coming up next. He’s purifying my heart so that my heart is clean before Him. It also clears the way for me to hear Holy Spirit better when there’s no mess in the way. I record the times when God says something to me because even in that, there’s meaning. Blessings.

2:11 I woke up with these lyrics in my heart, “I’m a survivor!”

4:29 “I’m a survivor!” 

In my dream I wanted to go to the Y (YMCA) and I asked Lucas if he wanted to come with me. I wanted to go on the water slides. In my dream I saw two water slides, both straight and going down at a slant. I asked him twice, felt like a few min apart. When I asked him again he said he wanted to go but he wanted to wait for Bella who wasn’t home but would be home that morning. 

A lady thought it would be gross to go with her mom to get a check-up done at the doctors, and she asked me how I felt about going with my mom. I said I wouldn’t mind at all to go with her. I wouldn’t go into the room while she was having it done but I would drive her and wait in the waiting room for her. 

I went to Shopgym this morning and was determined to do deadlifts, 155,5 times and I did! It was so hard because of my back and because I wasn’t there last week (yellows are 35lb; whites are 10; two smaller metal plates are 5lbs and the bar is 35lbs). This morning I took a nap and awoke at 9:16, hearing these lyrics in my heart, “For an audience of One!”And these lyrics like they were the same song, “All praise to God the Father, All praise to Christ his Son. All praise to the Holy Spirit, Our God has overcome. The King who was and is and evermore will be. In Jesus mighty name, I believe!” (I didn’t remember all these lyrics and had to look them up, but it was this beginning part that I heard.)

10:30 I woke up (no alarm) and had had this dream. I went to someone’s house who had a pool, and my hubby was there too because I was there. I had a feeling of awkwardness because of my love for him in a place among others that I didn’t know very well. So I asked him how he knew these people and he told me he knew someone there, so it was through knowing this person was why he could be there. While we were together in a group he said something to the whole group (I didn’t hear everything he said), and I heard him say, “my wife is dead.” In another part of my dream I saw him a little further away, wearing black short shorts. Then in another scene I was inside by the big pool. Up above the pool I had a feeling like there was a small room/deck, and there was a light bulb there that had burned out. I had asked the owner if I could change the light bulb and he had said yes, giving me permission. So I had a new white light bulb in my right hand. I saw one of his sons (a boy about ten years old) sitting on a bench or something with one of his friends, and I asked him, or confirmed with him that it was okay that I change the lightbulb, and he said yes. So then I was walking in the pool, and the water was about waist deep. I was holding the lightbulb with my right hand, holding it out in front of me and trying not to get it wet, but I saw that it touched the water two times. I’m not sure what this represents, but I’m hoping that it represents that God is going to shine a light/help me know what to do, when. 

There was a scene in the kitchen where everyone was together, and we were doing something that had to do with money. I was standing on one side of the counter and my hubby was standing on the other side of it. There was a cupboard on my right side (in my house this is the cup cupboard), open, and I was trying to lift something up into the cupboard but my arm was so heavy that I couldn’t lift it (I had a feeling like I had done such a hard workout that my arms were too heavy to lift.). I told my hubby that I couldn’t lift my arm. He had two ten dollar bills in his hand (I also saw the colour of the ten dollar bill, a purple colour), and I had a feeling like he was planning on using one of them for something but he gave it to me instead. I saw him giving me a ten dollar bill because I couldn’t lift my arm, and in my dream I had a feeling like he paid the price for me. Im thinking that God is giving me Grace for not lifting my hand if I was supposed to. I need to apologize. In my dream, the short black shorts I saw my hubby wearing looked like running shorts. This has to do with me running at the CRRC building I think.. hopefully it doesn’t have to do with my running in any other way, except running to Jesus. I haven’t gone for a little while because of being sick and my back. I’m trying not to become discouraged. Blessings…

April 16: 3;04 I woke up and had these lyrics in my heart,”In Jesus mighty name I believe!”

3:42 “All praise to God the Father, all praise to Christ His Son. All praise to the Holy Spirit, (three in One), our God has overcome.” Sorry my apologies, I don’t remember the lyrics exactly.

I woke up around 4:30 and got up to write down my dreams. Writing takes such a long time because I try and write as accurately as I can, and sometimes I need to pray and think deeply about how it actually was rather than write it like a story to make sense of it. 

In this dream there was a woman and her three girls (two girls who were about ten years old and a younger one. I only saw one of the older girls) in the bedroom of their new home; they all shared one bedroom. There was a longer than normal bunk bed that was kind of like two bunk beds but they were connected like one long bunk bed. The two girls had the top bunks and the mom and her youngest daughter had the bottom. They were all getting used to their new bed situation. I was seeing this from the top (foot end) of the bunks; they were all under their blankets, and I saw that their sleeping areas were not long enough so their legs were crammed. They weren’t laying so that their feet touched; the second girl had her pillow where the first girl could have extended her legs but the bed/mattresses weren’t long enough. But they were both optimistic as they tried out their new sleeping arrangements. The mom was in the lower bunk underneath the first girls bunk, and I heard the mom say something about the youngest girl needing to sleep on the floor with her blanket right beside the bunks because of the lack of space. In waking life I don’t know if there was an empty bunk underneath the second girls bunk, there could have been but there was no one there. It reminds me of what my kids and I used to do when my husband was out of town; my kids and I would bring their mattresses into my room and that’s where they would sleep. The reason was to be together and I also felt more secure when they were closer. 

I dreamt that there was what felt like a new development (though I was reading in the paper yesterday about a new development coming in my town, south of the golf course). A family had bought a new house and they bought another house a few houses down from the one they were currently living in. I was standing outside a bit away from the second house, looking at it and talking with the person who owned it, who owned both houses. His mom (I had the feeling of the word, grandma) was living with them, and he was telling me that he bought the second house for her, but he didn’t want her to know about it. It was empty, and in waking life I don’t know why if he bought it for her, why he wouldn’t tell her. I have no idea what this means. 

In this dream I was in a small empty garage and I had a feeling like it was winter. There was someone there, an older teenager or a young woman who had the garage door opener. I was looking for it and opened a cabinet and saw one thing in it, something that looked like it could be it, so I picked it up and saw it was a measuring tape (I think). Then I asked her to close the garage door and I saw that she had the garage door opener, so she pressed it (I didn’t see that she pressed it, but because she had it in her hands and the door was closing I assumed she pressed it.) and the door was closing. I had a feeling like she was keeping it from me.

I dreamt that I was in my current bathroom and I switched off the light and looked into the mirror and said “Bloody Mary “ three times I think. Then I saw something on the counter underneath the mirror like a candle wick, and it began to slightly glow, and a small stream of smoke began to rise from it. Then I saw it was a small square thing. Then I couldn’t believe that I actually did it again and I grabbed the thing and tried to break it but it wouldn’t break. Then I was fiercely coming against it in Jesus name, yelling for it to go in Jesus name. In my dream there was a small room, attached to the bathroom that was part of the bathroom (where my bedroom is but smaller), and I yelled in there, “go in Jesus name in Jesus name!” I thought I had talked about this already, but when I was a older kid, maybe around twelve years old, I was in school and there was a few of us girls who were doing this after we came in from recess. This was in the Private school where there was a single bathroom for the girls and one for the guys. When I went into the bathroom, I turned off the light and said it, but I was so scared that I didn’t open my eyes I think and I quickly ran out of the bathroom.

April 17: 1:16 “Praise to the Father. Praise to the Son. Praise to the Holy Spirit, Our God has overcome.”

2:20 “In Jesus mighty name, I believe!”

In my dream I was on a stage with a microphone. I was looking at it in my hands and it was white. It didn’t look like a microphone but was round and about the size of the palm of my hand. It had several pieces and was apart and I was putting it together. It had about 3 or 4 pieces and looked like white round rings; the first part that these rings needed to be put onto was a solid round circle with no hole in the middle, I think. The other pieces were the rings that needed to be put onto the first part. I saw a white circle, then one of those white round rubber things that make lids secure in thermoses, and after that I was putting another round white ring on top of the rubber one. It all made one round thing that reminded me of a microphone.

The next part in my dream I was holding an actual black microphone, but I was holding it backwards so that what was closest to my mouth was where the batteries are (recharging?), and the part of the mic we need to talk into was facing away from my mouth. I was singing but I couldn’t hear myself. Then I was looking at the part of the mic where I needed to sing into and I saw that it was turning, going down and soon it was right by my mouth and that’s when I sensed others could hear me. On the topic of singing, my voice isn’t like it used to be, it’s not as clear. I need to use it at home again to clear it up. 

In this scene I was on stage again, but others were too and when it was my turn to get to a certain point, I saw my hubby up in a small wooden mini room. He was facing the room and looking at me, but there were thin wooden  strips of wood that covered where he was looking out of, but he could see me through the cracks. Then I noticed that when it was my turn, he came down from there and I saw him walking close to where I was. He had been waiting for my time to come down. 

I had a feeling like I was on a road in the States with a few of my friends and I saw my hubby. After talking with him about general things, soon afterwards I regretted not asking him where he was going, and I missed him very much. 

In this short dream I saw an almond or something on  a keychain, and I took it because it reminded me of him. There had been other keychains on the thing they were on, and they had been covered so that the only way to see them, you needed to lift up the cover. It looked like the top straight edge of a roof. Another scene was that we were snuggling together, so I knew people knew that we were together. Our insurance place in town is now called, One Insurance; I had dreamt something about insurance the other night. Assurance about being one? In the dream where I saw my hubby with short black shorts on, he was facing towards my right. Blessings… I’m crushed, so broken and I can’t be more broken than I am right now.. I need to stop thinking and wondering if now is the time and just do, like in the Top Gun movie. I gave two five dollar bills for offering tonight. In my dream the two went hand in hand, wondering if I have grace to cover that.. I’m ready to follow, I’m begging to follow….

April 18: 1:11 “All praise to God the Father, all praise to Christ His Son. All praise to the Holy Spirit, our God has overcome!”

1:56 “I thought. It was the Holy Spirit.”

2:41 “Our God has overcome. He who was and is and evermore will be, in Jesus mighty name I believe!”

5:57 “Hold my hand hold my hand hold my hand hold my hand…”