
“..for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose.”  Philippians 2:13


I love You Papa, the author of my life. I praise You, I praise Your Holy name. There is none like You!

Come My daughter, you are Mine. I love you.

Papa, You are in every event of my life. If all the events in my life were in a cup that was filled with water, You are the water that saturates me, fills and connects my whole life together. You have filled my heart with Your love, with Your purpose and design, and You keep filling it with more of Your thoughts and adventures that lead me closer to You and closer to to those around me. I love You Lord.

I love you My faithful one. Come and rest, you are Mine.

Thank-You Papa for all that You have done. Thank-You for helping me even when it felt like I wasn’t being helped. You are faithful and You have been my strength through the hope I had in my heart that helped me get back up. I’m ready Papa to keep on walking with You in our journey of life. 

I love you My daughter. Come, I have much in store for you. You are Mine. 


Hello and welcome to my Journal. Life in the valley can be very difficult, but we need to remember that God is always faithful. Right now I’m in a valley, being tested and pruned so that in God’s time I’ll be ready to walk out of this valley, Victorious!  What I’ve been doing as I’m waiting is spending time with God and keeping on doing what He’s already asked me to do. I’m clinging onto hope because God is my firm foundation. God is faithful and I know that He will never let me down, and I’m going to stay faithful to Him. He has shown me His faithfulness all the time and I know His love through that. God gives me dreams and wakes me up at certain times. As you read my journal my hope is that even though I’m in a valley in my life, I hope you will be inspired to always keep your heart open to God no matter what’s going on in your life, because God is a God of Love and He always has a Good plan for our life. He knows how to lead us; we just need to trust Him and follow Him! Very often God draws my heart to Him through love songs! My love for God/Jesus keeps on growing as I continue to pursue Him. During the night God wakes me up at certain times with either a word from Him and/or a dream. So here’s my journal entry for today..

1:29 Get rest (There was another word but was autocorrected so I couldn’t figure it out)

3:40 a thousand generations, falling down in worship, 

3:57 “we’ll sing this song forever to the Lamb.. and the angels cry, Holy, all creation cry’s, Holy. You are lifted high, Holy, Holy forever!” I had a feeling like people were desperately crying out , pleading for something. I got up and went downstairs to pray.. sensing that getting up had something to do with it. I’m going to war.. 

4:21 Yes My daughter, you came. (I asked the Lord in my heart if I was okay, if I responded in time.)

4:26 Come, you are Mine.

I love You Papa, thank You..

4:32 Yes Papa, I’m coming

4:38 you came…

4:41 And the angels cry, Holy, all creation cry’s, Holy. You are lifted high, Holy, Holy forever!!!!

4:44 Papa, I worship You!!!!

4:46 Come My darling, you are Mine.

I’m here Papa, I worship You with all my heart.. I love You..

4:53 You made it…

5:02 Come

4:09 I had a quick dream that the enemy line was breached and that we were advancing. From above I saw a group of army men with their rifles drawn, walking through an area where the fence was down.

5:16 “Imposter Syndrome”

5:17 Papa, I break off imposter syndrome right now in Jesus name. Come and wash me clean. I declare that I am free in Jesus name. (Here I declared some of BN’s declarations.)

5:34 In my dream I saw a lady from the side, wearing a light blue dress jacket… She was talking with someone.

5:42 In my dream or in a vision I saw a woman diving into the water from high up in the sky. I’m diving in!!!

5:46 In my heart I saw a light blue doorway and a man getting up in the doorway. 

3:55 I saw 3 round acorns (know God, live free, find purpose?)

5:53 I had a quick dream where I saw an army truck that had just come back from having been in the most difficult position, having overcome it. It had just driven out of a cave or a road leading out of the mountain. I sensed the number 7, and that 7 was the highest number. 

5:58 In my dream there was a house where a gang lived, and it was like the camera was behind one of the gang members, filming him walking out of the house, talking with someone who had come to talk with him. 

I sensed that I was done praying and pressing in and as I was praying in the Spirit, thanking God for all that He’s done in my heart and in my life, I sensed that I had been one of the “lepers” who came back to thank Jesus; instead of Him telling me not to tell anyone about it, He told me to go and tell everyone about it!! Yes I will!! 

6:16 Thank You Papa

You’re welcome My daughter. Go in Peace.

6:24 “I have victory, God has not forgotten me, I am never left on my own… no more fear inside God is always by my side..”

6:40 In my dream I saw a tulip flower up close, so I saw the inside of it. It reminds me of a trumpet.. a trumpet is about to sound?

I also saw a dad bending down to embrace and pick up a small boy, his son…

6:49 “Three days” I was in a place that reminds me of the cave in the movie about the Apes where there was a lot of military equipment, and I only had enough food for three days. I rewatched the ending of “The Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes,” and I was reminded of my dream about the flat platform with the straight edge and the deep drop-off. I’m sensing that the biggest part of the spiritual war I’m in, is over, and that God’s Peace has come. 

8:34 I woke up

10:02 Matrix

10:48 I saw a lady walking, and she had red dress pants on. She was really happy and had a big smile on her face. This morning I ate some things that help me feel closer to Jesus… In Gimli yesterday we went to the fish and chips restaurant; I ordered #4, which was the Mozzarella Bacon Burger and fries, which is the one I wanted:) We walked along the beach at Wpg Lake yesterday… Love and Blessings…☕️

Sept 4:11:51 I was walking on the top of something long. 

1:18 ..sing this song forever to the lamb. And the angels cry, holy, all creation cry’s, Holy. You will always be, Holy, Holy forever.”

1:22 “I will not give you up this time, darling just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own, and in your eyes you’re holding mine…”

5:29 “All the people cry, Holy, all creation cry’s, Holy. You will always be, Holy, Holy forever!”

I had briefly fallen asleep (12:00), and I had a quick dream about being at a pool. I’m starting to think that God wants me to actually dive into the pool from the diving board! Thinking that the dream about seeing a woman dive into water is what God wants me to do! The last time I had “dropped” into the pool from a diving board was the first time I had ever been on a diving board (at church camp). This Saturday is the 7th, thinking to go to the Steinbach pool then and do it. I dove off of the side of a pool many times when I was younger. Also, the dream I had about seeing an army truck drive out of a mountain I had a vague feeling about the number 7, so I think Saturday is the day to do it.

Red pants.. Perfect.. Reading today… Today is Bella’s first day of grade 9! Today my smoothie has spinach, an avocado, banana, apple and whey protein powder. I normally have blueberries but we ran out. This morning after the Shopgym workout was done I saw these flowers outside which remind me of the flower in my dream. Love and blessings… ❤️‍🔥