Goodness and Love

“Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Psalm 23:6


Papa, Holy Spirit, I love You. I give You my heart, my will, my life again. I give everything to You. I give that which I’m holding onto, to You, knowing You will give me this gift in Your perfect time. I love You. I honour You, I worship You with all my heart. 

Carolyn My faithful one. You are Mine and I’m so proud of you. You listened and acted on what You heard, and I will honour that.

Holy Spirit, thank You for leading my conversation with my friend this morning. I love talking about You! I pray that You would surround her with Your love and divine protection. Speak to her heart Holy Spirit and enable her to come to You. Papa, Holy Spirit, help me to hear Your voice tonight. Help me to remember to always listen for Your voice throughout the night. I love You.

Come My daughter, all is well with you. Rest, I am near to you always. I am your strength.


Hello and welcome to my Journal. Life in the valley can be very difficult, but we need to remember that God is always faithful. Right now I’m in a valley, being tested and pruned so that in God’s time I’ll be ready to walk out of this valley, Victorious!  What I’ve been doing as I’m waiting is spending time with God and keeping on doing what He’s already asked me to do. I’m clinging onto hope because God is my firm foundation. God is faithful and I know that He will never let me down, and I’m going to stay faithful to Him. He has shown me His faithfulness all the time and I know His love through that. God gives me dreams and wakes me up at certain times. As you read my journal my hope is that even though I’m in a valley in my life, I hope you will be inspired to always keep your heart open to God no matter what’s going on in your life, because God is a God of Love and He always has a Good plan for our life. He knows how to lead us; we just need to trust Him and follow Him! Very often God draws my heart to Him through love songs! My love for God/Jesus keeps on growing as I continue to pursue Him. During the night God wakes me up at certain times with either a word from Him and/or a dream. So here’s my journal entry for today..

11:03 I was in our room. I looked to the window and the curtains were closed but the window was open. Through the curtains I saw a shadow of a large chipmunk jump onto the screen and hang there. I felt like it was threatening me and I was afraid. I didn’t know if I should punch it off the screen or not and I was afraid to go near it.

11:20 I vaguely dreamt that we had a clock or something that we needed to bring back to a store, but the store was in the city and it was going to close in about half an hour, so we didn’t have a lot of time. I had a feeling like, why try. I forgot to redeem my $5 gift card and when I was home I remembered this dream so I went back and redeemed it! I had the Special with sausages, cubed hash browns and I added tomatoes and lettuce. I ordered coffee and it was really good! I had an awesome conversation with my friend! We talked for two hours and we’re getting together again Nov. 6th. We sat in table #12:)

12;15 “Sing the song of ages to the lamb.”

12:40 “Miraka Peters is my name.” In my dream there was a big evil thing that was trying to overcome a lady who was sitting outside, looking down. She was a super hero or something, capable to get away from it. Then I was with her and began pulling on her to get up and get away from the big evil thing before it blasted her.

2:19 The veil was torn. I saw hands begin to tear something starting at the top. The feeling I had was about when Jesus died on the cross and then the veil was torn open because the Holy Spirit now lived inside of us. Feeling like the Holy Spirit is going to reveal something to me, like I’m fully in His presence.

2:24 “Come with us.” (I went downstairs to pray.)

2:42 “my (something) is cracked” vaguely seeing a boy looking at his luggage. I had momentarily fallen asleep. I’m desperately crying out to God, to the Holy Spirit!

3:09 Papa, Holy Spirit, please show me that I am not alone.

I am near

3:12 Please forgive me! (Im sensing I wasn’t careful about when I went to McDonalds. I had a black shirt on with my black and white jacket because I saw those in a dream; my black shirt because of seeing black and white in a music video and in a dream about seeing black with a white background. I also saw two people eating outside of a restaurant, so that’s why I asked to sit outside. This is the only thing I can think of if I did wrong. I just need to pray about everything before I do them and rely more on the Holy Spirit..

3:13 I forgive you My daughter. Come, you are Mine.

3:57 “yes” (I was pressing into the Lord about doing the announcements.)

4:07 “Come My daughter, rest, all is well with you. You are Mine declares the Lord.”

I’m sending I need to be at the front, holding the microphone, doing the announcements.. 

4:19 I dreamt there was a tornado and a woman was protecting a child while in something like an open box, like she was showing someone how to do it. 

4:27 “Elijah “ As I was resting, about to fall asleep I heard it in my heart, almost like it was whispered in my ear.

4:33 I vaguely saw someone’s painting. It showed the grassy area with wheat and long grass in front of the sand and water. Beside a kind of hidden path was a big rock or boulder. I didn’t see beyond the grassy area. 

4:39 something about wanting to drink coffee and lightheartedly hopping off of a stage. This morning at Shopgym part of our workout was burpee’s, jumping over the bar between each burpee.

4:43 I was looking into a lettuce bag and I saw two (I think) deep green romaine lettuce, waiting to be eaten.(This morning Bella wanted Caesar salad and I made salad from two Romaine lettuce’s, and because of my dream I ate whatever was left after Bella too what she wanted.) I also ordered tomatoes and lettuce this morning. 

4:48 There was a big shelf in front of a back door (I only saw the structure of the legs that could have been blue). I tried opening it but because of the shelf, it didn’t open. Then I saw a lady sitting at a table that was on the floor and in the shelf (I had a knowing it was a shelf but there weren’t any shelves to put anything onto; It was more like the skeleton of a shelf. I had a knowing that she was there to protect me. She looked very joyful and smiled at me I think. I’m thinking this represents not to do computer today..

4:55 In my heart I heard a child say, “35 years old.”

4:58 In my dream we were at church in the front by the patio area and L was saying something and showing someone about setting something up. She had a smile on her face and I heard her voice.

5:04 As I was falling asleep I heard a big bang (in my heart) and it jolted me awake. 

5:19 Bella was playing with a friend, a board game maybe, on the floor. I saw her purple winter jacket laying on the floor behind her and I told her to stop and bring her jacket downstairs. I had a feeling like she had forgotten to bring it downstairs the day before.

5:30 I saw a really big something on the floor (in my dream). 

5:34 “you saw me at my very worst.. and love is all I heard.. I lift up my hands lay my whole life down, my whole life down before you..” you pulled me from the edge of darkness, into your light again.. 

Oct 3: 12:02 I saw a big light blue ointment bottle, vaguely seeing purple.

1:15 I vaguely saw a white filled circle

1:18 I saw a white pizza box squished into the fridge. 

1:24 “11:05”

1:33 “1:24”

1:37 “And the angels cry, holy, all creation cries, holy, You are lifted high, Holy, Holy forever.” (I went downstairs to pray)

2:54 A big group of people together 

2:57 I saw a deep drawer of vegetables like they were in a fridge, and hearing the word “messy” by someone, reminds me of pastor D.

3:03 Belfast  (Its my dream to go to Ireland and Scotland and see the grassy hillls)

3:04 “And the angels cry, Holy, all creation cries, Holy, You will always be, Holy, Holy forever.”

3:16 In my dream I saw someone extending the roof of the front of our garage, giving more shelter, reminds me of Amber. The added shelter was built already; she just swung it up. Yesterday I sat on a lawn chair in front of our garage as I took a photo of an open pizza box (the one we took home last Wednesday). I’m wondering if this means that I’m covered? I made it?

3:28 Something about a big D

3:30 I saw a lady wearing a green dress that had a V neckline, standing in front of me and saying something like “visualize it.”

3:38 “completely” I heard someone who was joyful, using this word in a sentence.

3:41 Someone was holding the door open for me and saying, “don’t give up.”

5:22 I saw lots of groups of thick bones hanging on the walls. There was no place where they were not, and they were all orderly, seeing them hanging vertically, reaching from the floor all the way up to what I imagine the ceiling (I didn’t see a ceiling).

8:18 January

8:22 I was in our garage and I saw our bikes hung up, and I saw Bella and maybe Lucas playing basketball, seeing that it was also a gym. It had the feeling of the gym at youth.

8:48 You have to help me

8:54 LOVE

9:00 “One particular meal” seeing a bag of freshly bought carrots and a bag of something green.

9:09 A big stack of newspapers on our driveway. 

9:14 I dreamt that I was outside on a beautiful fall day and I was very pregnant, holding onto a rope while stepping around something, maybe underneath the tree in the front yard.

9:19 “Your wife will do it; it’s time.”

10:27 I’m kneeling by my bed, soaking in worship songs and I had a quick dream where I saw a body that was made of water, and he had a cup of coffee in his left hand and lifted it to his lips to drink. This is the Holy Spirit?! I’m so amazed by Him! I’m sensing that I’m internalizing how big and Holy the Holy Spirit is and also deeply agreeing with what He wants to accomplish through me. My eyes are also opened to how important it is to love other people and how the Holy Spirit wants to use me to be a bridge to lead people to have a better understanding about who God is and how much He loves them. I’m going to go and buy a bag of carrots and eat them for lunch!! Something that I’ve not been doing is practicing my voice lessons.

1:05 As I’m writing I momentarily fell asleep and I saw a lady who had a red flowery dress on, sitting right next to me to my left. My red dress needs to be dry cleaned; at the wedding I accidentally spilled tea on it. 

1:13 I vaguely dreamt that I was on a road trip.

8: At home group this evening we were sitting quiet, listening to the Holy Spirit when I momentarily fell asleep; I dreamt there was an airplane high in the sky that needed help (it was staying in one spot and something needed to be fixed on it), and then I saw another airplane flying up to where it was, to help them. I’m spending more time praying, pressing into the Holy Spirit. I’m praying for the Holy Spirit to show me what’s wrong (I’m assuming I’m the airplane that needs help). I’ve got this..Goodnight… 🫶🏻