For His Name’s Sake!

“My name will be great among the nations, from the rising to the setting of the sun. In every place incense and pure offerings will be brought to My name, because My name will be great among the nations,” says the Lord Almighty.”  Malachi 1:11


My Papa, I love You. I love You Holy Spirit and I worship You with all my heart. Thank-You for igniting my heart through the trials in my life. I’m holding onto You, desperate fore very word You say to me. 

Come My daughter, and rest. I am near to you.

Holy Spirit, if there’s something I should know or a word You want me to know, what would that be? … I heard, “desperate for you.” I’m thinking that You Holy Spirit are desperate for me and that Jesus is desperate for me.. Is this true Holy Spirit?

Yes my daughter, we are.

I believe You Holy Spirit, thank-You…

Come and rest My daughter -you are Mine. 


Hello and welcome to my Journal. Life in the valley can be very difficult, but we need to remember that God is always faithful. Right now I’m in a valley, being tested and pruned so that in God’s time I’ll be ready to walk out of this valley, Victorious!  What I’ve been doing as I’m waiting is spending time with God and keeping on doing what He’s already asked me to do. I’m clinging onto hope because God is my firm foundation. God is faithful and I know that He will never let me down, and I’m going to stay faithful to Him. He has shown me His faithfulness all the time and I know His love through that. God gives me dreams and wakes me up at certain times. As you read my journal my hope is that even though I’m in a valley in my life, I hope you will be inspired to always keep your heart open to God no matter what’s going on in your life, because God is a God of Love and He always has a Good plan for our life. He knows how to lead us; we just need to trust Him and follow Him! Very often God draws my heart to Him through love songs! My love for God/Jesus keeps on growing as I continue to pursue Him. During the night God wakes me up at certain times with either a word from Him and/or a dream. So here’s my journal entry for today..

10:44 “managed to do all that after being (on a?) wire plant.”

10:50 “Catholic corners”

10:53 I dreamt I saw a well to do lady with a pleaded skirt on; she was standing by the back door of a business; there was a small group of kids who had done art on the back of the building and they were excited about it. She was calling them back in and they were coming. It was sunny and cheerful.

She was standing on a short landing area (a few steps up). They were excitedly telling her about something that had happened and she was smiling, maybe shaking her head and rolling her eyes, though her reaction was vague. 

11:05 I dreamt that I was explaining something to someone in French! I knew French fluently…

11:09 “stop the boat” I’m not sure if I was sleeping but I saw or dreamt about the movie (UNCLE), the bad woman was on the boat being bossy.

11:14 vaguely dreaming about a mafia 

11:16 I dreamt about the train in the easter play, seeing people talking, looking intelligent by one of the tables.

11:21 something about a Christmas gathering and hearing the name “Shawna.”

12:23 There was a five (auto correct). It was like an “ah ha” moment. 

12:29 I saw a wedding: I saw two kids wearing red, a small boy and girl, and also an adult wearing red.. The little kids were looking up at one of the adults that were there.

12:46 I saw an arch

12:58 I saw the yellow M for McDonalds.. the two arches meeting together.

1:05 “walking down the isle.” I saw a beautiful young lady wearing a high bun. She had brown hair .

1:08 You are lifted high, Holy, Holy forever!

1:09 I saw a lady wearing flip flops close to and facing a bed. 

1:12 I saw some orange construction cones stacked together like it was done, having a feeling like it was in a construction zone, feeling like it was done.

1:16 “can we have “a go” in the morning?” (Can we do something in the morning) Conversation??

1:19 seeing two young girls and hearing “which one is which” like they were twins. 

1:24 “clothed in your righteousness. You pulled me out of darkness, into Your light again, into Your light again.”

1:31 “You have done great things. Oh Hero, of heaven, You conquered the grave. You free every captive and brake every chain of God, You have done great things.”

1:52 I was really high up in a really high tower. I was sitting at a table and I could see the city way down below as I looked through the glass windows that were surrounding the top where we were. It felt like it was a table for two.. I need to look out of the high window at church?

1:57 “chapter 14” I’m almost to chapter 14 in my Marriage book where it talks about resolving conflict with a boundary loving spouse; I think this happened this morning, thinking we both love boundaries.. I’m wondering how I survived without them all these years. 

1:59 Feeling transparent…

2:03 Holy forever! And the angels cry, Holy, all creation cry’s, holy. You will always be, Holy, Holy forever!”

2:47 I dreamt we were underneath an arch. 

6:55 Great is Your faithfulness to me. From the rising sun to the setting same I will praise Your name. Great is Your faithfulness to me. 

7:11 ThankYou Holy Spirit… I love You so much. 

7:13 I love you My daughter

7:29 “Rest, My faithful one, you are Mine.” From the rising sun to the setting same I will praise Your name. Great is Your faithfulness to me. I put my faith in Jesus, my anchor to the ground. You are my firm foundation, You’ll never let me down. Great is Your faithfulness to me.

7:44 “I love You Lord, and I lift my voice. To worship You, oh my soul, rejoice. Take Joy my King, in what You hear. Let it be a sweet, sweet sound, in Your ear.”

1:10 “He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name sake.” (Psalm 23:3)

1:19 “Praise the Lord, oh my soul” I fell asleep on my mom’s couch while she was warming up some soup in the kitchen.

2:08 In my dream I saw a beautiful woman wearing all white; she had wide, dressy, white pants on that almost looked like a skirt, a white blouse and a white dressy sweater. She was standing about ten feet in front of me and looking to the side like she was waiting for someone to pick her up…. This gave me so much hope!!!!

2:13 I dreamt of seeing someone run their pointer finger along an IPad, seeing a bright colour on it in a few places.

Saw 7:29 again last night

5:11 I was doing my Bible study and was writing Malachi 1:11 “My name will be great among the nations, from the rising to the setting of the sun…” A song by Promises Feat Joe L Barnes sang the same lyrics as the verse I was writing at the same time!  “from the rising sun to the setting same I will praise your name. Great is Your faithfulness to me.”

I vacuumed the other day but still need to thoroughly clean my room. We’re watching the Twister movie tonight! We’re having salt and pepper chicken wings from Unger Meats for supper. 

October 8: 3:01 I raise my hands up lay my whole life down, my whole life down before you.

3:48 “ I raise my hands up lay my whole life down, my whole life down before you.

4:20 I raise my hands up lay my whole life down, my whole life down before you.

4:37 I was standing in front of a basketball hoop, looking carefully at the hoop, and about to throw the basketball. (I went downstairs to pray)

4:48 I raise my hands up lay my whole life down, my whole life down before you.

5:15 I saw a yellow card among some other cards or  papers. (I went back up)

5:57 I dreamt that my kids and I were at youth in the country. We were outside and as I was doing things I kept on looking at the landscape, watching the horizon because I saw a hurricane forming, two of them. I think at first the closer one disappeared but then formed again, very strong this time and was growing stronger as it came closer to us. I yelled for everyone to come inside the building, calling out for Lucas and Bella. I had a knowing that they were there. Then we were all in the building, like a big combine shelter, and we were waiting for it to pass. I was laying in my bed underneath my blanket as I was waiting. I had a thought that I wished Lucas and Bella were with me so I could see them, but I was comforted, knowing that they were safe with us in the room where I was in. Then I was making the room more secure and I was by the two big doors, securing them tighter by pushing them in to make a tighter seal. Then the scene changed where I saw that the two doors (I only saw one) were only flaps of canvas or screen-like material and had big gaps on each side by the walls, so I asked someone, feeling like L to help me look for big rocks to put there to add weight so that the doors/screens would stay secure, and she agreed. When I at first was looking for big rocks to put onto the sides of the screen (the part that was on the floor, because the screen was at a slant), I saw a big rock and tried picking it up but I discovered that it was secured onto the floor already. 

In this dream I was in church and I was listening to a kid as he was talking about what we could pray for him for. Several times I needed him to repeat himself because I hadn’t heard it. He was talking softly so two times I said, “sorry what did you say?” or something like that. There was a man with a red shirt on who was standing on my right side, listening to the kid too. He was so close to me that it was like he had his arm around me and was holding me close. His arm wasn’t between us; I was being pressed completely to his side (feeling like it was him drawing me close). Then when the prayer was over and as I was stepping away I noticed a red chair behind us and I had a feeling on the back of my legs like I had been sitting on the person’s lap. I’m sensing that I need to sit (seeing the red chair that was behind us in my dream) close to Jesus again.

7:19 I had a feeling of “praying into prayers.” There where steps (like an indented ladder) going straight up on a wall of a deep place that I was in. I have a vague remembering that the steps up were white.

“Your name is the highest Your name is the greatest, Your name, stands above them all.” I really enjoyed the movie Twisters yesterday; we all watched it. We actually bought the movie so we can watch it again anytime. Today Bella has an ortho appointment at 4:00 in the city, and if there’s time I want to get her glasses tightened. This afternoon I’m going to see if I can do the short video before picking Bella up to go to the city. We saw the Northern Lights last night and Lucas’ friend got some really good photos. They were red with green!! I’ve never seen red in Northern Lights like that! 🫶🏼

October 9:10:53 “Love love love is a merry go round”

11;37 “pinched nerve” there was a guy and girl who were homeless, they had come into the farm owners house. It was very dark out. When they went back outside I followed them and stayed on the veranda. I heard them talking nearby and i had my hand on the railing as I first went to the right and then to the left and then I found the doorknob in the dark to go back in. They were looking for something I think. I’m not sure what this means. I don’t know where I need to sit today…

1:45 (I don’t remember what I dreamt here..)

3:12 I dreamt something about three shades of brown (I went downstairs to pray) I’m thinking this means to wear brown tonight? I’ll wear brown. 

3:43 Jesus said “Great” while standing

4:00 I dreamt, feeling that someone was standing up front and said that the bad news is that something is coming to a close, and feeling like they were going to say what the good news is.

4:54 Come

Holy Spirit, I don’t know how to come. 

4:55 I will help you. Follow Me.

5:32 I was on a ship, listening to Jesus and following him (walking to a set of glass doors and was about to open it up) when the captain of the ship asked , Who’s this guy!” And I replied, “He’s the captain of the ship!” Yay, Jesus is the captain of our ship (relationship)!!!!

I was the passenger in a vehicle and we were driving on the top of a mountain.I was sitting behind the driver with my window open. I saw a really heavy dark cloud in the sky that looked solid, and then part of it got stuck inside the car as we passed it because the window was open. So I quickly grabbed it. I showed it to my husband (feeling this was my husband in my dream) who was driving and he took a bite of it. I was a bit surprised that he took a bite of it because it was black; I didn’t want to take a bite of it and said or thought that I only wanted to take a bite of a white cloud. Then when we were at the bottom of the mountain both my kids were there. The cloud piece had melted a lot and was as big as the palm of my hand and not as black. I showed it to them and I think they tasted it too.Im not sure what this means;

5:38 “Shmiked shine” (German; Tastes good)

Rose up from the grave rose up grim the grave.

I saw white flowers 

I went into the country and then I thought I should go back (thinking about my safety) so I was going back to the farm when I saw a person running (for exercise) as fast as he could, going in the opposite direction (running into the country)on the other side of the road, and passed me. I’m thinking I should be running into the country.. I’m going to sit on the right side to show that I want to go where Jesus wants me to go.

7:44 I saw a bunch of long(ish) green grass. I like to walk on the grass because of the song. Every song that I’ve been led to listen to is very special to me and draws my heart closer to Jesus…

I dropped my blue eyeliner and I was frantically looking for it, and there were other people there. It was my eyeliner for the top eyelid, which in waking life has become very short; in my dream it was also very short. 

I thought the dishwasher was clean but as I was putting the dishes away I realized the dishwasher wasn’t done. I had already taken some of the dishes out that I thought were clean and had more to put in, so I wasn’t sure what to do.

I dreamt that I was going to the bathroom in public. I was fine with that but I was trying to hide how difficult it was; In waking life I know that our words have power, so I don’t want to say anything that will potentially slow me down. And I don’t want to sound like I’m feeling sorry for myself.. 

I just wanted to say that the dream where I was pressed into the person as we were praying happened this morning! In my women’s group as they were praying for my back and also afterwards (L’s mom). In my dream I did see the red chair we have at church so sometime during the evening I’m going to sit in it…
I noticed seeing the yellow card this morning. I also noticed the blue Yeti mug and red pen, thinking because she asked a question, I did too, and it actually was a genuine question. I made some Twinnings Tea; Red Rooboos. I also noticed talking about languages.. (I knew French fluently…)

12.:09 “These are the days that we’re dreaming of….” thank-you, thank-you, thank-you Jesus for your love….