Prince of Peace

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”  -Isaiah 9:6


Papa, I worship You. “I need You more, more than yesterday I need You more, more than words can say. I need You more, than ever before I need You Lord, I need You Lord.”

I love You My darling. Come, you are Mine.

Papa, I’m so desperate for You. I need You more now than ever before. Draw me nearer to You. Show me Your heart, Your desires. Draw me deeper into Your love so that Your desires will become my own. 

My daughter be at rest, you are Mine. I will draw you nearer. All is well with you. 


Hello and welcome to my journal. Life in the valley can be very difficult, but we need to remember that God is always faithful. Right now I’m in a valley, being tested and pruned so that in God’s time I’ll be ready to walk out of this valley, Victorious!  What I’ve been doing as I’m waiting is spending time with God and keeping on doing what He’s already asked me to do. I’m clinging onto hope because God is my firm foundation. God is faithful and I know that He will never let me down, and I’m going to stay faithful to Him. He has shown me His faithfulness all the time and I know His love through that. God gives me dreams and wakes me up at certain times. As you read my journal my hope is that even though I’m in a valley in my life, I hope you will be inspired to always keep your heart open to God no matter what’s going on in your life, because God is a God of Love and He always has a Good plan for our life. He knows how to lead us; we just need to trust Him and follow Him! Very often God draws my heart to Him through love songs or intimacy with Him in dreams, because as part of the bride of Christ, Jesus is my husband. My love for God/Jesus keeps on growing as I continue to pursue Him. During the night God wakes me up at certain times with either a word from Him and/or a dream. So here’s my journal entry for today..

2:01 Merry Christmas (song)

3:34 “Jesus Christ”

3:42 “There’s no place like home for the holidays”

4:07 “You really hold me tight” (In a short dream Lucas was telling me this)

8:34 “Comin down the chimney now.” 

December 28: 5:06 “It’s Christmas”

6:58 “Oh night divine”

Rescuing two girls and a boy: In my dream there was a war between the States and Canada. I was already in the States and I was safe, but the soldiers were trying to catch kids. Then three small kids were with me and I wanted to save them so hid them from the soldiers. We were by a house, huddled together on the cement floor. I took my sweater and put it on to hide them. I saw one of the children had her kegs straight out and I got her to bend them to get them underneath the sweater. Then I had a sense of sitting beside them. Then I was walking with them (the two girls) on a back alley that had beautiful trees. I asked them if they were hungry and then we were going to go somewhere to eat. I think I picked up the youngest girl and thought that if we were caught then I’d say they were my own kids.
Then the scene changed where I was with my husband and I whispered in his ear that I’m rescuing two girls (they were still at the restaurant, waiting to be picked up). Then he told me that he would get the truck and to meet him at a certain place with the girls; they would be safe in the truck. Then my husband was doing something with the pick-up truck; I saw there were a few things in it, and he was preparing it for the trailer. Then there was a scene where I was walking and I noticed I didn’t have my shirt so I went back to where my husband and I had been sitting at a table in a restaurant. I saw my shirt on the table and I took it. Another scene where I was talking with some soldiers, saying something like the States being against Canada and I was comparing it with two teams being against each other. Another thought was that I told my husband about the two girls but not about the boy. In my dream I didn’t know where the boy (their brother) was. 

7:01 I was in an entrance in front of a receptionist who was in a small room with a window that I could talk through. I think I was carrying a board. 

7:08 I had a vision or dream about going to play a game that could have something to do with the States. 

7:15 “Different jokes”

7:23 “Radiant beams” In my dream I had chosen a beautiful necklace. It had something kind of blue pendant on it. I think I saw it as I saw putting it on.

7:28 I saw the word Hawaii and I had a vision of breaking glass with a hammer or something.

7:32 I saw some big potatoes on a counter and heard “half of those people are..” I’m making mashed potatoes for the gathering.

7:36 I had sense about flying or driving and I heard, “so why would you just do it.”

7:46 “never bin what I’m going to do!’ I saw a woman wearing red, looking at me with a big smile on her face as she was saying what I wrote above. 

7:51 “In their..”

7:55 “copy that group”


December 29: 5:59 I had a vision of someone putting food in their mouth with their mouth wide open as they were looking up.

6:03 A vision of two people facing each other, crouching and embracing each other. Then they slowly stood up, still embracing each other, resulting with them being close together. 

6:18 A vision of seeing a stir-spoon facing up in a drawer, hearing, “we can actually go into (something) at the same time.”

6:29 I saw a short wall (in height), hearing “coming down.” 

6:33 In a vision I saw cooked tomatoes, frozen in bags, being put into the freezer.

6:40 In a vision I saw a pen laying on the top of some stairs. I think I heard “biblical knowledge.” At the gathering we played a form of Pictionary with the whole group (everyone at the gathering), and the theme was Biblical (my mom wanted to play a game that had something to do with the Bible.). The Bible story I got was Moses and the burning bush. We all sat in a circle. Everyone got a notebook with something about the Bible written on the first page. Then we needed to draw what was written, on the next page. Then we passed the notebook to the person on the left and they needed to write what they thought the picture was about. Then they turned the page and gave the notebook to the next person who would need to look at what was written and draw what they saw, etc. When I got my notebook back, Moses and the burning bush was the theme for every page that was drawn and written. Fun!

7:09 (I think) I had a picture of a someone who had brought a box outside. The box had a bit of mold in it, and they were stomping on it to get rid of it. 

7:15 I had a dream/picture of a newspaper.

9:16 I was resting and fell asleep and vaguely dreamt of fruit in a basket. 

December 30:  5:31 something about fire, emerging, and “the children is deaf.”

12:34 I had a dream or vision of people on the floor like a dance floor, and I vaguely saw someone walk around the people to get something.

1:08 I dreamt that my niece in my dream, Anna (meaning, Gracious and Merciful), had left but had come back to my house. Then I was holding her hand as we walked to my sister in law’s house which was right next to my house (felt like the same property), to get what she had forgotten. I looked down and saw I had a plain, long dress and apron on. We walked out of my house and walked on the sidewalk, around the corner of my house and was walking towards her house when the dream ended. There were two people who had come to visit and were in my house (Jesus and another person). They were sitting on the couch, waiting. The couch was by the window, and I knew Jesus would see us as we walked by, so I was feeling shy about it. I had been cleaning so I had a few things in my hand (a shirt and maybe a cloth or two) so I put them down close to the house because I didn’t want him to see it, that I looked messy. 

3:49 I dreamt about something but I don’t remember: I know it was positive.

7:49 I woke up and went downstairs to pray.

9:29 I saw someone holding a bird with one hand and petting it with the other. 

I saw an oblong ball where the bottom half was green, the top red, and it had black lines all around it. The black lines had angles.

“Yep” I saw a picture of a woman with white hair.

9:33 “Tournament”

“Tick Tack Toe” (emphasis was on the toe. It reminds me of when I saw in a dream the word beautiful written on my toe. 

9:43 I saw Jesus turn around from the side to face me.

10:46 In a dream I saw an onion that was cut in half and I think the middle round part was missing.

“Mary did you know, that your baby boy…”

Today we made a waffle breakfast with blueberry sauce and whipping cream (and sausages). I’m making a banana coconut cream pie for tomorrow, Christmas Eve…..

2:46 “fly like candy” (I took a nap.)

December 31: 2:11 “I need you more, more than words can say I need you more, more than anything” In my dream I was driving and I almost hit the truck in front of me.

6:07 “This is the day You have made. Let us rejoice, rejoice and be glad in it.” (I think this is the song I heard here.)

6:13 “You are faithful to your promise You are faithful when I’m weak. When I stand here in Your presence I have everything I need. The joy of the Lord, the Joy of the Lord is my strength.”

7:02 a vision of two people running on pavement, maybe a parking lot. They both stopped and one of them all of a sudden began to be lifted up by a round piece of concrete that he/she was standing on.

7:08 “I have everything I need. The Joy of the Lord, the Joy of the Lord is my strength.”

7:10 “new workers” SC’s husband was saying this, recruiting people to work in the States. (The feeling was that he was in the States)

7:15 I had a dream about trust falling in the air. Someone had jumped off of something and was falling in the air.

7:18 “I got it”

7:21 “A dinosaur book is about to emerge”

7:24 Jesus passed me on my right. I could feel his presence as he walked by me. 

9:20 “The joy of the Lord, the joy of the Lord is my strength.”

Today we’re running some errands in the city, then we’re going to our friends place for New Year’s Eve; I made two pies, banana and banana coconut cream. God bless you in the new year!!!🥂

Jan 1: 2:52 Dream seeing two cars driving. The one in the front had a big fire in the inside.

5:51 “All I want for Christmas is you”

7:46 “Bring more life into it”

8:44 invest

8:48 Jesus

8:54 “There are better saxophone players than you”