My Cup Overflows

Father, I’m reminded so clearly to remain at rest. 

Come my daughter, walk with me and rest.

My Dad, please give me a word to think about.


Holy Spirit, show me specifically what you want me to know or think about when I see this word. 

I love you.

Father, I know you love me. Why is this important for me to hear this at this time? Psalm 23 came to mind and the phrase, ‘my cup overflows.’

Rest in my love for you.

Father, this cup that represents deep friendship/deep relationship is filled and running over. I’m reminded that you pour into my cup every time we meet. Thank-you for sustaining me. Thank you for your peace that fills my heart and your love that overflows. I’m picturing a big mess on the table which is a bit funny to think about, but it also reminds me that this deep friendship that is rooted in your love comes at a cost, because there’s a cost to being faithful to you. 

My daughter, come as you are; who you are is who I love. 

Father, spiritually speaking, I feel like everything around me is falling away. Everything that is right in front of me for me to do, is gone. I’m sensing, that had become my focus instead of you, and I deeply repent. Please forgive me. I know you want me to do three more recordings but help me not to do them in a rush. Holy Spirit come. Thank-you for your nearness.

My love for you is an abundant love my daughter. Rest in my love for you. I want to help you in what I’ve asked you to do, and the only way for me to be able to help you is when you’re resting in my love for you, not in what you’re doing for me. 

Father, I lay it all down at your feet. I recognize that if I want to go faster, I need to do it your way. My focus is on you again; thank you for your correction. I pray for your blessing Father. 

I bless you my daughter.


This conversation is quickly read, but not quickly written. How would I ever survive my life if it wasn’t for God to question things in my heart? In the natural I have so much on my plate, so I also want to do these next three recordings quick so I can do everything I need to do. I feel a bit overwhelmed and I think it’s because my focus needed to shift back onto looking at Jesus. 

Last night I dreamt that I was on a very high flat platform and there were two others with me. We needed to climb off. On the wall that we needed to use to climb down was what reminds me of a rope climbing wall that was in the gym at my elementary school when I was a kid. It was made of many ropes all tied together to form a grid that we’d use to climb up to the ceiling and back down. It totally wasn’t safe and I’m so thankful I didn’t fall off. In my dream the two people whom I vaguely saw had begun to climb over the edge onto this grid to climb down. I saw a rope hanging from somewhere above and I grabbed it and ran down the grid. It felt so exhilarating! But because of my conversation with the Lord this morning, I know that I needed to shift my focus onto Jesus again and not on my task. But I hadn’t realized my focus wasn’t on Jesus because what I’m doing is for him. The Lord had reminded me about guarding my rest. 

Another short dream was that I passed someone in the hallway who’s name means to breathe/to live -getting more oxygen; God is reviving my heart. I passed another person who’s name means “God is gracious.” We gave each other a hug, which represents that I’m “in touch” with God’s grace, that God’s grace is reality in my life in some way. I woke up with a word, which really isn’t a word, so I’m not sure what it means. I heard “laterious.” This week my kiddos have baseball/softball every night of the week! God knows, and I’m taking one day at a time…. Blessings -hope you have a good day!