In Your Gaze

My Father. All things are possible with you. Thank-you for being my covering so the dark cloud I saw over me cannot touch me -thank-you for delivering me from that. I know the enemy’s plans for me are evil and are there to destroy. But your name is above every other name, and every name must bow. I take refuge in you, my Dad.

My daughter, I am your shield (silence…remembering to rest instead of run. Remembering to trust and lean into him). I am your covering, and I’ve equipped you to do the work I’ve called you to do. It’s when you stop walking that the darkness over you has time to accumulate. Don’t stop walking because you’re not bound. I go before you, beside you, and behind you. With me you’re more capable than you know -trust me.

Father I love hearing from you and I thank you for your words of affirmation. Thank-you for being near to me. The opposite of running from silence is running towards it, and this is what I’m going to do from now on because I know that this is the time for intimacy between you and I. It doesn’t matter what others think when they see my vulnerability, but what matters most is my growing intimacy with you. This is what the enemy wants to destroy. I love you Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit. Please help me to faithfully look to you, because there’s life, authority and love in your gaze. 

My daughter, don’t give up. I’m here with you and will help you.

Dad, I feel like I’m on a new journey to know and walk in your love. Please come and fill me anew. Walking deeper into your heart means knowing you more, which also means walking deeper into your passionate love for me. Maybe this is the final flight I need to take to get where you want me to be. Thank-you Holy Spirit.

My faithful one, come, I’m inviting you to go deeper in. You don’t need to protect yourself -I am your defender. You are my daughter and I love you. Walk in my love. 


I think the strategy I use to protect myself from what I think others are thinking is to withdraw, and when I withdraw, I stop walking forward. And this is when the enemy can put doubt and other lies into my mind. I’ve been doing the same thing with the Lord when there’s silence between us. I start to panic because I’m so used to thinking that silence means he’s left and I feel alone. I know this isn’t true and I’m learning to rest in these silent moments, trusting that he’s drawing me closer to him. 

Little by little the Holy Spirit opens the eyes of my understanding about things. I think he goes slowly because these things I’m learning about and growing in, are things I need to be deeply grounded in -I need to be grounded in his love, because his love is my strength.