
My Father, I love you so much. Please draw me deeper into your heart -I want to know you more.

My daughter, my faithful one -you are mine, the one I love. I will draw you closer to me this day. 

Thank you Holy Spirit for reassuring me that Wednesdays are also a day that I need to set aside for you. Now that you’ve confirmed Mondays and Wednesdays, I know for certain Friday’s are included. Help me to protect these days for you. Help me also to take these days seriously so I’m not wasting this time that is set aside for you.

My daughter, I love you and I will help you draw near to me on these days. 

My Dad, I feel your love in my heart like it’s a tangible thing. I’m in love with this special time with you and for your calling in my life. There’s so much life in your calling for me; help me to walk in it well. 

My daughter, I love you and have opened the way you are to walk. I will always be so near to you.

Father, I have such a strong desire to be taught by you. Teach me more about you Father, and help me absorb and understand what you’re saying. Your words and teaching bring life to my soul. 

Come my dear one, you and I, let’s walk together. 

Thank you Father, I love walking with you!


The Lord gave me two quick dreams last night. In the first one I was walking the way I needed to go but I still needed to be reassured that this really was the right way. After I dreamt that I awoke and wondered if I was going to get an early call to sub. In the morning I did get an early call. I was thankful for the Lords reassurance about Wednesday, which has also reassured me about Friday’s. So now I can walk with confidence and not wonder or doubt if I had heard the Lord correctly. 

In the other dream, a building had started to be built. We were on ground level and I saw a few people set a metal bar into place. I had a sense that the walls had been too close together, making the building smaller. This bar secured the walls so they would remain set apart to make the area inside bigger, making the building bigger. Then I was walking out the door with another person who I sensed was going to lock the door because it was time to go home. The work day was done. What this makes me think about is that God has established the perimeter, or the boundaries about me setting aside the three days for him. But I’m trusting the Lord about that if that’s not what he meant.

Walking together with the Lord is never dull. I’ve made so many mistakes along the way, but I know that I can’t expect anything else because walking by faith is like having a map with nothing on it or like driving a car with no headlights, in a dark night with no moonlight for guidance. Driving like this with fear is doable but very slow, and driving like this with confidence is quicker and better. 

But there’s something good about driving slow, and that is that I’m learning deeply what the Lord is teaching me. I think the ideal way is to learn how to drive a little quicker in the dark, and I think that is doable if I’m driving with confidence -fear will always slow me down. I’ve been learning what it means to rest, and I think remembering this is a tool that will help me as I keep going. Being at rest in my heart as I walk with Jesus, or driving at a slow but steady pace, trusting and leaning into Jesus because he knows the route he’s chosen for me. I’m glad to know that God is doing his work in me and is helping me do the work he’s called me to do!!