Your Amazing Heart

Father, I love you. 

Caroline, come near My daughter. All is well with you. 

Oh Father, in my dream last night I needed to go and get something at the mall one last time. The mall was on the other side of town and I tried to run as fast as I could because I didn’t have a lot of time. I began to grab onto plants to pull myself forward but I just couldn’t run. Father, however I’m trying to strive in the natural because of worry, I lay that down and I trust in you. I run to you instead and I rest. Here in your embrace is where I belong. 

Come deeper in My faithful one, for I have much more for you to see. 

Father, Holy Spirit, please take me deeper into your amazing heart, and I will follow you. 

I know you will Caroline, for this is the reason why I’ve called you. You’ve heard my call and it is time to go. 


One thing about walking close to the Lord is that he shows me my heart, whether it’s showing me something positive or negative. Because in my dream I was pulling myself forward with my arms, it shows me that I’m trying to do something in my own strength. The only thing I can think of right now where I’m a bit stressed is starting to sub again and putting together a piece of writing that I sense the Lord leading me to do. I actually started that writing this afternoon and it went quite well. I need to press into the Lord about the other part of my dream as well because in it I was in room on a couch. In front of the couch was danger, like a river of lava in nature that I could potentially fall in, but I leaned over the backrest, making the couch tip over the other way and I felt safe again. I need to remember that in stressful times the Lord is still very present and near to my heart, which is where I go into the deep end with him.. everyday is valentine’s day with Jesus! ❤️❤️❤️