The Wisest Way of Making Mistakes

Caroline come, you are Mine. I love you. 

My Dad, I don’t know what to say today. You know my heart. What else is there to say or do?

Remain in me my child and I will remain in you. The battle has been won. 

I do remain in you Father -help me to always remain in you. I can feel you tangibly in my heart, reminding me of your love. You are my hope. As I was listening for scripture in my heart, 2 Corinthians 4:9 came to mind. Thank you Lord that you will never abandon, and who can overpower or destroy you in my heart? Therefore I won’t loose heart; come and renew my heart Father and let Your glory be shown. I’m fixing my eyes on you Jesus. Help me write the two writing pieces. If you want me to do another recording this week, then please make it clear to me what you want me to talk about. I really don’t want to talk about my most recent mistake, or about your revealing my calling. 

My daughter, if you want to stop making mistakes, then you might as well stop walking. The reason you make mistakes is because you’re building your faith as you walk with me. As you follow me doing what I’ve asked you to do, you will make mistakes because you’re learning. I’m making known to you our Fathers heart, and wisdom and understanding will come to you as we walk. You see making mistakes as weakness; I see you getting back up as strength -growing in your faith and building your trust in me. As your Father, I will always help you get back up. I’m so very proud of you Caroline. I love you.. 


I realize to stop walking intimately with the Lord means I’d stop learning how to discern his voice in our journey together, which would be the biggest mistake I could ever make, and I think this is what he meant. I can’t escape making mistakes so the wisest way to making them is to be as close to Jesus as possible because he has the most adventurous way of teaching us things and he knows exactly how to restore our heart. 

If talking about my mistakes is letting go of pride, then I’ll be forever talking about my mistakes because I won’t ever stop walking with God. Yet if my walk with the Lord will be made known to others, then the seeds I plant right now as I talk about what I learn through my mistakes, I hope others will also share their mistakes and what they’ve learned in their own walk with God so that we can all learn and gain more wisdom and understanding about the Greatness of our God. I think the enemy could be frightened about this because this would create a stronger unity between believers which would also strengthen us as a church. 

Pride is the root of all evil, so pride is what we need to fight against the most. Now I’m thinking what the best way is to come against pride, and I think what ever it is that a person is going through and what the Lord is asking them to do about it, when they don’t want to do it, it’s because of pride. I think whenever we think our own way is better than his and chose our own way, it’s pride. So when we learn how to follow the Lord intimately so he can lead us into our calling and we don’t do it, it’s pride, and we’re cheating ourselves of living full lives. I know I’m walking right into a corner by saying this, but now that I know my calling, I better walk in it because I came all this way and have fought so many battles with the Lord to give it up. I think it would also have a detrimental impact on those who would have heard what the Lord wants to say through me. These people could be much more brave than I, so I don’t want to stop them from walking in their calling by not walking in mine. 

When I think about loving Jesus, I will continue to say yes to him because I love him, so just like pride is the root of all evil and is the cause of man’s fall, love is the root of all good and is what helps us get back up. Love is greater and stronger because love is God and is life. Gods love has pursued my heart, and I’m so thankful that I said yes!!!