Love Leads The Way…

Dad, I need your rest.

Come and rest my faithful one, for I am near to you. Do  not be dismayed, for you are mine, the one I love. 

Please come Dad, I’m desperate for you. I know that in order for me to rest, I  need to be able to keep your peace in my heart, and also joy. If I lose these, I won’t be able to rest. 

This is true my daughter. All will be well Caroline, don’t worry. Old things have passed away and all things have become new. Let my light shine in you my darling, for love leads the way…


I’m not planning to do a recording today or tomorrow.. not feeling very well.   Today’s another snow day and I’ll be starting to read the second Lord of the Rings book to my kids -I haven’t read to them for ages and it’s something I love to do! I need to quickly talk about the meaning of one of the dreams I had a week or two ago. I had been in my aunt and uncles (not any of my real aunt or uncles) vehicle with someone who hadn’t believed something. Later in my dream I could tell she was starting to warm up to something because she had begun to connect or talk with someone. We had parked on the driveway of a house that was built in the 70’s and in my dream I knew the house. What the Lord is telling me and what I’ve been hoping for but not quite believing because I think it’s too good to be true, is that the Lord is adding years to my life… youthful years. The Lord is telling me that I’m sensing correctly (another dream about my nose), and that I’m sitting on the driveway of this happening. I’m so excited about it… I think so many years of my life has been a waste in a way because I haven’t been able to really live. The Lord had awakened who I really am in him in this journey with him, but outwardly I feel like the enemy has stolen much of my life. I know the best is yet to come, and I’ll keep on getting back up because I’m determined to have the Lords way in me, and like the Lord has said, love leads the way..