At Your Word

My Dad, You know my name and you’ve called me.

I have, come. My thoughts about you have been made known, and they are many. Declare my word over you this day. My words that I have spoken will not return to me empty, but will have done all that they were meant to do. My daughter, I have spoken -all is now complete. You are mine. 

Dad, I have this excitement and anticipation about what you’re going to do next. Help me to let go of what I’m holding onto, maybe it’s merely a way of life, and hang onto this zip-line that’s right in front of me. I know you’ve brought me to this exact place, and this line leads me straight into your warm embrace -this really is a rush!!!! You’ve drawn me and have captivated my heart with your love. Even though I don’t know how exactly this road will look, I’m going to walk in it because I trust you and I know you’ll always be with me. 

Come my faithful one -all is now complete. You are mine, the one I love and delight in. You won’t be disappointed! 


Wow what a beautiful day!! Last night I dreamt that we drove right to the top of the hill, and then when we stopped on top of it, I vaguely sensed that I got out of our vehicle and said something like, “okay, now you drive!” I looked to the horizon and saw the vast, beautiful ocean! There were no clouds in the sky and the sun was shining so brightly, reflecting off the water. The ocean had a beautiful clear green/blueish colour. There was a town between the hill we were on and the sandy beach on the other side. I also saw that someone had mastered doing weights. I saw this person walking up and down the bars as they were holding weights, like they had mastered it.

Two nights ago (I didn’t have time to post yesterday…) I dreamt that I was sitting together with someone (Jesus) on a birthing chair! He was sitting behind me and I was facing forward, listing to a lady (reminds me of a midwife) who asked me if someone had explained how some (internal) things worked. I said no (I took a deep breath and said something like, “oh my…” ) and then she explained a few things, which I didn’t really hear. I know that in my journey with the Lord, knowing some of his plans for me, I know he’s birthing something in me. This was a birthing chair, so I know something is about to begin. The song, “Glorious Day,” was singing in my heart when I awoke yesterday morning!

Yesterday I went to see my mentor and we talked about what my next steps are, where I’m sensing the Lord leading. Well, because I know the Lord is leading me into eventually becoming a pastor, I’m sensing him leading me to begin working at my church.. not sure what I’ll exactly be doing but I feel like this is an important step. This could represent the birthing chair and the zip line!!

Last night my daughter won her softball game, woohoo! I’m so proud of her! She has one more game tomorrow and then two practices next week and then it’ll be done! My son has a baseball game tonight, and then another one next Monday and then he’ll also be done! I’m so proud of him too!

John 5:28 says, “Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice…” This may be out of context but thinking about what the Lord showed me the other night in a dream, I know that the person who was laying “asleep” inside a plexiglass tomb, behind the brick wall represents myself. And at the Lord’s soft command it opened up. I think that in what’s ahead for me, I’m going to begin knowing and walking in the authority that I have in him. Yep, it’s easy to write about it, but in actuality I’m a bit apprehensive! I’m thinking that I’m not to record this week or next, but to resume the following week and still post my writings as usual.. Many many blessings to you!