Through Christs Name, He Shapes Our Book!!

My Dad -you are mine. Thank-you for your love and faithfulness. 

I love you Caroline -you are mine. Come, I have much to tell you. Come, lets continue to walk this road together. 

Father I was beginning to think this particular journey was complete. 

It is. We’re beginning a new one today, and it’s going to look different. 

Okay Dad -I trust you. Father, I have a request; I would like to see into the spiritual realm more because then when I pray for others, I’ll be able to pray with better accuracy. 

My daughter come, all is well with you. I will give you your hearts desire. 

Father, how long will it take now for me to let go of what-ever I’m holding onto in order for me to jump onto that zip-line? I really want to go, but I know you see things in my heart I don’t see. So help me face and accept what-ever it is so that I can finally go there! I really need to go there Father, like the air I breathe!!

My faithful daughter, all is complete. Rest -you are Mine. 


Yesterday I had so much to write but no time! I needed to go to the city and buy gift cards for my kids’ teachers and coaches, and then go to my daughter’s last softball game. I really enjoy watching their games, and it’s also been good to be forced to relax! I had a few dreams two nights ago which I’ll share today. Yesterday morning before I woke up I heard these words, “Through Christs name, he shapes our book.” As I’m deeply pondering the fullness of what this means, I think that I’ve not always taken advantage of the authority that Jesus gives me as I use his name. I think that Jesus can do so much more in our lives when we pray in his name for things to happen, and when we declare scripture and his will in our lives. This is a good reminder which I need to step into more, and may be the reason God gave me these dreams at this time.

In the first dream I saw a man hiding, peeking his head out from the shadows, looking at me, and I sensed we were near a beach. I felt care for him and compassion because he needed to stay in the shadows; we connected somehow even though we didn’t talk. I noticed him watching someone but I didn’t know who exactly because there were many people around like in a mall. Then I saw a woman nearby and I asked her if she had a brother with dark hair who was missing, and she said yes. Then I told her that he had been watching her. I had a sense that he really wanted to talk with her but couldn’t. Then I was standing on a short flight of stairs leading down, a bit dark, and she was standing on the floor a little above from where I was. She was about to leave when I quickly asked her if I could have her phone-number, so that when I talked with her brother I could give it to him so they could connect. I sensed her agreement before the scene changed or before my next dream. 

In this next dream I began noticing objects around me turning into demons/evil spirits, like I was watching a movie. Very quickly I didn’t want to keep seeing them because I felt afraid and didn’t want that to be my reality. So I turned that off through not agreeing with it anymore. My sister (the right way to go) was watching these “movies” and pretty soon I was seeing them again too. I believe I know what this represents. Many years ago I had told the Lord I didn’t want to see demons because of fear. I think this closed the door to seeing into the spiritual realm, seeing both angels and demons. I’ve seen some demons a few times, one was not scary at all and the other was terrifying. When my son was really little I had fallen asleep while waiting for him to fall asleep, and I dreamt that there was a demon hovering right over me. Every time I took a breath, it came near me and almost touched me, and when I yelled, my yell made it back away. But then I needed to take another breath so I could yell again, which always gave it opportunity to almost touch me again. I felt like if it touched me, I would die, and it was like a terrifying fear was what it smelled like, which I felt when it came close. It stopped when I woke up. I think I was woken up because the Lord came to my rescue. After I woke up, I just laid there thinking about what had just happened -I didn’t feel fear when I awoke even though the experience was so terrifying. I put my trust in the Lord. This happened when I first began to spend time with the Lord every day. So, having said all of that, I want to see into the spiritual realm because theres so much more the Lord wants me to experience and show me; seeing demons is only a small but necessary part of it which I think will help me to know how to pray more accurately for people. 

In my next dream I was watching a scene. I was standing with someone who was facing another direction so that I was facing their side, and there were a few others standing nearby. There was a woman standing among these people. An evil lady was walking towards this group, and just because the woman was there too, the evil lady came and touched her, which numbed her so she could take her away. I looked at the person in front of me, thinking he would try and stop this evil person but he only looked down, hoping the evil lady wouldn’t notice him. Then I saw that she had noticed him and had numbed him too, and she had him laying on her big shoulder as she gleefully began walking away. I saw that from her back there was green slime oozing out from within her. She was really delighted because this person had more food for her than the others did. 

Then I saw a woman begin to go down an escalator in a mall. She looked peaceful and content, looking up and around her. There were other people in the mall as well, and anyone could see that she had deep wealth within her, a joy that only God can give, and because of that she stood out. I was standing on the floor watching her begin to go down when I heard beside me, an evil being point her out to someone and say, “her,” which indicated that she was the next target. 

Then the scene changed where an evil lady was forcefully inviting me to come into her room and I yelled “no!” She became really angry and began to chase me. Then she was right in front of me and tried putting her hands onto me. I yelled out the name of Jesus and began declaring His name over and over again, and the lady couldn’t get her hand passed an invisible barrier that was protecting me. I kept repeating, “In the name of Jesus,” and “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!” 

Then in my last dream that night I was walking in a textile department and saw many different rolls of expensive materials. I knew that only the really wealthy could afford to come there. I thought to myself that I hadn’t seen this department before. As I was walking down the aisle, to my left I saw a woman sitting at a small table with a plate of food in front of her, and she had her hands on her lap, waiting. 

Before I awoke I heard in my heart the words, “Through Christs name, He shapes our book.” Wow, God is rich in Mercy! His song over me is Mercy…. I’m so deeply moved by the Lord’s love over me!! 

In my bible study I’m writing in John 11:35-44 -the story about when Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. I don’t have a lot to say about this, but it makes me think about where within myself the Lord needs to raise me from a spiritual slumber. As I keep pursing the Lord, he will wake me up! I wish I could just be there already, but it’s not like that because then it would just be head knowledge and not reach my heart. Tomorrow my daughter and I will be going to a wedding shower in Portage, and my son will be watching a movie at home with a few of his friends; probably the new Sonic movie. In my walk with the Lord, I’m not sure if I need to do any more recordings, but I know that the Lord knows how to lead me!!! Blessings! 😊