
Psalm 85:10-13

“Love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other. Faithfulness springs forth from the earth, and righteousness looks down from heaven. The Lord will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest. Righteousness goes before him and prepares the way for his steps.”


Come My daughter, you are valuable. You are My treasured possession and I love you.

Thank-you Dad. I’m soaking in Your words of affirmation which are food for my heart and food for my spirit. You are the source of my life; you speak life-giving words to my heart that I can’t live without. I need you so very much.

Caroline My faithful one, I have something for you today. Are you ready to heart it?

Yes Dad, I’m so ready to hear it; please tell me.

You are now ready to walk deeper into my purpose for you. Come My daughter, all is done. We’re waiting here for you. 

Father, my heart is open for you. Help me to clearly hear your voice so I have absolutely no misunderstanding. Lead me to the door Father and I pray that you’ll open it very soon. 

I have opened the door for you My love; lets walk through it together. 

Jesus, I’m overcome with thankfulness. You’ve brought me so far!! I could never have gone this deep into the unknown on my own.. I’m so thankful for the difficult journey you’ve led us on. Forgive me when I’ve resisted or have forgotten about things. Thank-you Father for helping me clean up my home, my heart, so you have a clean place to dwell. 

My daughter, it’s true that we’ve come very far, and I am well pleased with you. 


Happy Sunday! Last night when I fell asleep, I only slept for about half an hour and God had given me two dreams, so I wrote them down right away. I didn’t want to forget anything and I also knew that it was so early in the night that God may be giving me more dreams that I’d need to write in the morning. So he gave me five dreams last night. Some of them I have an idea what they mean but I will definitely be praying about them. In the first dream I was in my basement (not my actual basement). I saw that it had a cement floor and had a crack right in the middle of it. I saw that a lot of water had come in already, and thought a flood was coming so I told my daughter Bella to come up with me to sleep rather than stay in the basement where it was unsafe. 

In the second dream I was in the back seat of our car and my husband was in the drivers side, driving. I was behind him and only saw his back. We were coming up to a stoplight and were slowing down. There was a white semi truck in front of us that had stopped, and it seemed like my husband wasn’t aware that it had stopped because he was still driving forward, though slowly, as if the truck wasn’t there. Then I saw that the car was beginning to go underneath the trailer of the truck. The car was just low enough to slightly fit underneath, but the truck was starting to push us over into the next lane. I was in such a frantic state that I yelled out the names of our children and finally came up with the right name (don’t remember the name), trying to get him to see what was happening but he was just there and wasn’t reacting, and the truck was slowly (maybe gently) pushing us to the side. To the side was another lane and then a high wall. Then I saw what reminds me of our licence plate or something on the car that showed how much oil we had left. It was like it was drawn on a paper; a horizontal white tube. It was like when there was a lot of oil, the oil part was painted white, and then I saw that the tube continued with white lines but there was no more white inside, which indicated that we were out of oil -that part of the tube was a bit curvy, not in a strait line. I knew that being out of oil was dangerous for the car to keep on driving and would damage the motor, so I was going to tell my husband what I saw.

Then I went back to sleep and had these three dreams: I was in front of my home (not my waking life home). My high school friend Mitch was sitting down on a big rock or something. We were hugging, crying a little, being really emotional and saying goodbye. It seemed like she was really happy as she looked up at me. In waking life I don’t know why saying goodbye would make her happy, but maybe it was showing that she had a deeper understating.  The name Mitch means “who is like God?” I think she was sitting outside, waiting. Then I was inside my house (not my real home), and I had cleaned up my house. I was really joyful. It was like I was going somewhere and I was quickly running by my couch, turned a corner to go to the door, but on my way to the door I was passing one of the rooms and saw a family all lined up in a row, from shortest to tallest, all standing really straight. It reminds me of a musical instrument that we’d hold and blow air into it like a pipe-organ, not as big and without the organ, the pipes going from shortest to tallest. It seemed like someone was taking a photo of them. Then maybe it was done because one of the ladies in that family came out of line and she was a bit grumpy, complaining about something. The feeling I had in my dream about her was that she was a grandma. Our friend from Brazil who’s staying at our house for two weeks is someone who my kids call their grandma, though not related by blood.

Then I was talking with someone and he was saying that he sometimes saw a big planet, and because it would sometimes move, it wasn’t just in one spot all the time, sometimes fading sometimes clearly seen, so maybe it wasn’t real, and he was a bit frightened by it. I’m thinking maybe he thought he was a bit frightened by it because it wasn’t showing it’s real self, or maybe because it couldn’t show its genuine self.. heartbreaking but zero misunderstanding. I know that Jesus has been faithful in our difficult journey and I know that he will always be faithful, so I will continue to trust him as we continue to walk -like a diamond in the ruff!!! 

In my last dream I walked into a restaurant with a really close friend and another person who we didn’t know really well but we were nice to. When we were done eating, we had gone outside for some reason. Then we walked back into the restaurant to put our leftovers together and pay. As we were walking to our table I saw that the table was all cleaned up. They had put our leftovers in containers for us to take home. I saw that the person who was with us, their food was in a smaller, separate bag than ours. I saw my friend walk toward me with a really big flat box and our food was nicely organized in to-go containers. My friend was really excited because the restaurant had added extra food with our left-overs in containers for us. Before that at the table when we were paying, the restaurant wanted to have our email addresses, and the person who was with us didn’t have an email address so she asked my friend if she could use theirs. My friend didn’t really know what to do so they said okay, but to only use the first part, or the name part of the email, not the last part (.com) because it would somehow protect us in some way. I have no idea what this is all about, but I do know that when we’re faithful in our journey with Jesus, he will always feed our spirit and give what is good! Blessings…..