God’s Work In Me

Jeremiah 31:3,4 “The Lord appeared to us in the past saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving -kindness. I will build you up again and you will be rebuilt, O Virgin Israel. Again you will take up your tambourines and go out to dance with the joyful.” 

Come My daughter, I love you.

Father, this morning it resonated deep within me that it’s your love thats breaking through to my heart. It means that I don’t yet know the full extent of your love. There’s nothing that I can do to speed up this process except to keep on trusting you as we continue walking together everyday. My heart is open to you as I keep diving deep into your word and read more books. I invite your love-light to come deeper into my heart to reveal any hidden blockages so they can be removed. Draw me closer to you Father -my heart and my spirit are so willing. Please draw me closer!!

Follow me my faithful daughter, and I will surely draw you nearer into my heart. 


When I think about how to get things done in the natural, we just turn up the notch and speed up our legs and do things quicker. I know this is how the world is though, to get ahead of the next person in order to get more of everything -money, which means more comfort and everything that comes with that. I’m so glad that people cannot control the spiritual side of life. We can only reject or receive both the spiritually evil (Satan) or the spiritually good (God). I wish I could speed up the reconciliation part of my heart that doesn’t yet know the full extent of God’s love. The only reason I see my heart this way is because of what the Lord and I have been though together in our journey, which I’ve shared in my past writings. I wasn’t shown yet that I’ve come completely out of the tomb, which means there still needs to be a breakthrough. I believe that as I continue to be obedient to Jesus and keep following him as we spend time together each day, he will lead me deeper into God’s heart -God is love, so deeper into his love. He is drawing me with his loving-kindness.. is tearing down hindering walls and is rebuilding my heart -this is God’s work in me.