Heart to Heart

Joel 2:15,16

“Blow the trumpet in Zion, declare a holy fast, call a sacred assembly. Gather the people, consecrate the assembly; bring together the elders, gather the children, those nursing at the breast. Let the bridegroom leave his room and the bride her chamber.”

My Father, I embrace you and all the work you want to do in my heart. 

My daughter come, you are Mine, and I love you.

Father, do you have a word for me today?

Rest. All is well with you. Draw near to me Caroline in rest, and I will be near to you.

Oh Father, what would I do without you? I would not be able to survive a day, hour, or even a moment without you.. I’m so deeply thankful that I belong to you, that I am yours. 

Come my faithful daughter, it is time.

So Father, please come. I’m not sure what you mean when you say it’s time. I know I still need to continue to do my recordings. Please come and draw me closer to you so that I can know the fullness of your love..

My faithful daughter, you are loved. 

I am loved.


Father, I’m soaking this in… I’m ready Father for more of you. I want your calling in my life -I desire this. So I pray that you’d lead me through the doors that will take me there. You’ve called me, so you lead me. I’m following you because I belong there. Where you want me to be is my true home. 

Come then My darling, the time is right. 


What a beautiful day again today! Today my kiddos, Elizabeth and I are going to the city to do some shopping, going to my in-laws tomorrow for supper and then an early morning wedding on Sunday. I’m having tea these days but lately I’ve been craving a caramel macchiato.. I’ve never tried it but I heard that it was good! Also craving sushi, love it as long as its not raw! (I know there’s another name for that.) 

I had such a weird dream last night -I think I’ve been watching too much animated movies lately with my kids! In my dream I saw one car go down some kind of an aisle or lane and another one follow. Then I saw them face each other, come close, and then I saw the first one stick out it’s tongue and the other one also stuck out it’s tongue, and their tongues touched like a kiss. I saw that their tongues were a deep red. On the first car I saw a place near the bumper, where it had a small black plastic or rubber thing, and it was from underneath this place where I saw the first car’s tongue come out of, like it was it’s mouth! I thought to myself that it was well hidden and was surprised by it. But I think this represents a growing intimacy, a closeness and a heart to heart connection!! 

I’m so glad that our walk is with Jesus and that his walk with us is a holy walk. Every time our heart comes out of line, he gently draws us near to him again where we can once again are changed to be more like him. I have an inner resolve to keep doing my recordings every week, but having our friend Elizabeth here until the end of next week (I think) makes it harder to do. But in my heart I’m thinking about my next recording. I don’t know where you’re at in your own journey with the Lord, but I just want to encourage you to keep spending time with Him everyday, growing intimacy with him and he will draw near to you!! Blessings and love to you today!!!