I Trust and Believe in You

Psalm 8:1,2

“O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise…” 

My Father,

My faithful one -I love you.

Dad, I’m so amazed by how great you are and how little I am in comparison to you. I’m amazed too that in the vastness of who you are, it’s important to you to walk with me as you lead me into the purpose you have for me. I’m nothing without you. I only hold value because you’ve said I have value. Your words are life and they’ve revived my heart -thank-you with all that I am. 

I love you my daughter. Yes I have revived you, and yes I have a great purpose for you that you’ve already begun walking in.

Jesus, do you have a word for me today?

“Rest, we’ll complete it together.”

Father, I’m a bit anxious about doing my recording on Friday because I’ve not had the time I need to prepare for it as much as I’d like.

I will help you my faithful one. Be anxious for nothing, for my strength is made perfect in weakness. 

Yes Father, help me to trust in your leading and not be anxious. Thank-you for being my help and encouragement. 

Come Caroline, rest, for all is well with you. You are Mine. 


The Lord gave me three dreams last night. I know it sounds weird talking like this about Jesus but I’m reminded that he is my spiritual husband and without sin, physical intimacy is pure. Song of Songs in the Old Testament describes God’s intimacy with the Israelites in a physical way, but the meaning in them is about God’s faithfulness to them and their faithfulness to God, or very often their lack of faithfulness when they worship other idols. (Song of Songs 1:2-3, “Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth -for your love is more delightful than wine. Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes; your name is like perfume poured out..”) In the first dream I was laying in bed with Jesus under the covers. I was turning my back to him to snuggle in closer when he suddenly got up and left. I felt horrible because I thought that I had done something wrong even though I hadn’t meant to. All I can say here is that I’m so thankful that Jesus knows my heart and that I can completely trust him…

In the second dream I was standing among lots of trees and shrubs when I saw in the clear blue sky someone in the not-so-far distance, walking towards me in the air like they were walking on a floor because his steps were solid. My daughter Bella was somewhere nearby and I said to her to look as I pointed him out. Then as I was watching, I saw him come closer and closer, and for only a moment I had a faint urge to hide myself but knew there was nowhere to hide because he could see everywhere. I knew I was completely exposed but I was good with that. I vaguely saw a wide and tall obstacle that could have been a really tall tree that he walked passed as he was walking in the air. Then we were facing each-other; I was standing and watching, and I saw in front of me that he had landed on and was standing on the higher end of a fallen light-coloured log, and he asked, “Can I walk into your space?” So I asked him, “Are you my friend?” I didn’t hear an answer but I sensed that he was trustworthy so I said, “if you’re not going to hurt me, then you can come anytime.” Then I vaguely sensed him walk down the log that led down to where I was. 

In the third dream I was practicing an instrument like a clarinet. I was trying to rightly align something next to another thing and the sound didn’t come out exactly right. So then I turned the instrument over and saw exactly where the line was that I needed to push the thing up to in order to make a clear sound, which was right next to where I needed to blow into. So I adjusted it and blew into it, and the sound it made was so beautiful, loud and clear; I was so amazed by the sound and I knew that the whole countryside could hear (I vaguely saw the green pastures and low-lying hills with some houses). I’m not sure what this could mean.. maybe it represents that I’m learning a new song, or that God is giving me a new song to sing as I continue to walk in his purpose for me:)