Luke 6:46-48

“Why do you call me , ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say? I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice. He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built.”

My Father, thank-you for how you’ve filled my heart. Words cannot express how thankful I am for how you’ve led us. 

My faithful daughter come, we’re almost there. You are Mine -I love you. 

Father I need your help for this next recording, and I thank-you in advance for your help. Thank-you that I’m fully known -it’s so liberating! I really know what its like to be liberated by following closely after you and obeying your commands. Thank-you for your grace when I’ve walked a bit slow at times. I’m thankful for when you’ve been stern with me during these times in order to get me going. 

My daughter come, lets keep walking -we’re nearly there. And you’re welcome -I love you.. 


I had set my alarm for 5:44 last night and right before it went off I heard the word “obey.” The voice was not demanding but stern, in a kind way. I believe this is referring to the recording I’m planning on doing on Friday, or Saturday if I need the time to prepare on Friday. In my dream I saw, like I was standing in front of a whiteboard, lines that remind me of music lines. This whole picture represents my heart. In the space between the lines were dots/notes that were separated about an inch apart, but they weren’t exactly one inch apart. Then I saw that a line was drawn to close off the space between the lines of what was already there, which indicated a starting point of another section of this musical piece. In this new section there were dots already drawn and I saw a hand highlighting each dot. I’m sensing this represents what I’ve already written for my next recording, but I need to shine more light, or talk about these points more, rather than going over them too quickly. I need so much more time than I have! 

Then I saw that I was standing in front of some escalators, about five right beside each other (no wall/hand railing between them). From where I was standing I could see the short wall/hand railing going down to the floor below, which wasn’t very far down -it was meant for children to play on. Then I was standing at the bottom, facing all of them and I could see from the top down that each stair had it’s own unique vibrant colours and designs, depending on what kind of song or game (like Super Mario) the children had chosen. At the top on a wall close by they could press something that changed the game to what they wanted, and each game had a different song. I saw that someone had pressed one of the buttons and all the stairs had lit up to represent the theme they had chosen. The escalators were ready but they hadn’t started moving yet. I exclaimed somewhere in the dream that they (the children) were so lucky! Wow, I love Gods hand in my life!!I need to bring my mom to an appointment in the city. Pray for me please so that I’ll be ready.. God said for me to obey this morning, so wherever I’m at with my preparation is where I’ll be at. I need to remember that I’m walking in his strength, not mine:) Blessings ❤️‍🔥