
Joel 12:11

“The Lord thunders at the head of his army; his forces are beyond number, and mighty are those who obey his command. The day of the Lord is great; it is dreadful. Who can endure it?”

Father, I feel like I’ve done a flip, a complete turnaround where my outlook has completely changed. Thank-you for making it clear to me that you want me to resume subbing in school. I was thinking that it wasn’t in your will because you’re training me to speak, and this is taking up so much of my energy and time. Knowing that you want me to go gives me much relief because it takes so much pressure off. 

I love you Caroline.

Father, do you have a word or thought for me today?

Know that you are loved my darling. I will always direct you in the way you should go -trust me always.

Father it’s me that I don’t trust -my interpretation of what I think you’re saying. These last few years I’ve been learning how to know what you’re saying in such a different way than I had gotten used to. You still speak in parables like in the Bible and I’ve really needed to depend on the Holy Spirit for direction. Please forgive me when I’m not sure and then I slow down too much. My motive though I think has been right because I’ve so desperately wanted to do what’s right. 

Come my dear one, rest and gather your strength; be encouraged as we continue walking. You are Mine. 


This morning right before waking up I dreamt vaguely of a small group of youth that were running a race side by side, though they were all on the same team. This is how I’m feeling, like a youth who doesn’t know exactly which way to run, but because I’m running with a team, we all depend on each other as we seek God’s direction. I was so encouraged this morning because I talked with my mentor about what was confusing me so much. She helped me interpret the dream God had given me about work, and it turns out that the car in my dream was parked because I wasn’t working, and work needed to be restored just like my dad had wanted to restore the car. So, I’m going to put my cape on and grow my working mama superhero powers!!! I’m subbing for my friends grade one class tomorrow, and I’m really excited about it! Working is going to take time away from my writing and God time, but I need to remember that when I’m in the centre of God’s will, that’s when I’m in the safest place from the enemy.

Something that stood out to me these last few days is that in order for us to truly belong and be accepted and loved is when people know who we truly are and they accept us -this is when we have a deep sense of belonging, which is what I have. In my journey with Jesus this is what’s been happening and I’m more thankful than words can say….   I’m so thankful for the meaningful relationships I have. I don’t know how much time I’ll have to post this weekend, so I just wanted to say that my day yesterday (Oct.7) went really well; I really enjoyed being back in the classroom:) Also, my husband and I are going to an all adult wedding early evening today that has a dress code, so we’ll be wearing all black; I never thought I’d wear all black to a wedding. I was hoping to be able to go to the gathering, but at least our kids get to go and eat turkey and all that goes with it! Hope your Thanksgiving weekend will be blessed!!! 🍂🍁🪵