Thankful for Love and Faithfulness

Proverbs 8:32-36

“Now then, my sons, listen to me; blessed are those who keep my ways. Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not ignore it. Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. 35)For whoever finds me finds life and receives favour from the Lord.”


My daughter come, you are always welcome to be near to Me. I love you -you are mine. I love you with an everlasting love, and I delight in you. 

Father, thank you, I feel so welcomed by you.

My darling, what is on your heart today?

Dad, I feel overwhelmed. It feels like my ears are plugged like when I have a cold, and it’s so discouraging.

I will never leave you Caroline.

I know… thank-you Jesus for your faithfulness.

Come my darling and rest as we walk. You are always mine.


On October 7th I subbed for grade one so I didn’t have the time to post, but at 3:46 I awoke with the song and lyrics, “I’d climb every mountain, swim every ocean, just to be with you, and fix what I’ve broken,” and there was a slow steady drum beat behind the lyrics that represented a slow steady walk where each beat was a step (this is what it felt like). I don’t know drums, but the drum beat didn’t have a metal sound but was a low steady beat. I also had a dream where I came to a sheltered place where people where standing in line to wait for the bus, and I went to the back of the line which was also the front of the line because that’s where the bus stopped to let people in. As I was waiting in line the bus came, and there was a woman who had a young boy with her, and she asked the bus driver if she could take him along. The bus driver was okay with that. As the lady was talking with him, I went to the boy and put my hand on him and asked him something or said something to connect or encourage, and then I stepped away because it wasn’t my place to be personal with him since we didn’t really know each other. I saw him as he continued to stand and wait as the lady and the bus driver talked. There were others standing around and a thought came to me, wondering what they thought that I had reached out to this boy. I think this dream represents that I’ve started subbing again and I wondered what others thought about that. The shelter I believe represents that I’m under the Lords covering. I’m so much more at peace about subbing because I know with certainty that this is from God. Another dream where the main pastor of my church was walking cheerfully among the people. This dream could represent that in my heart I’m content about where the Lord is leading me (working in the ministry). Another one was that I was with someone on a ledge like a short cliff, and it felt like we were dancing when I fell off but I was okay because the fall was short, though the fall made me sit on the ground. This could represent this past Thanksgiving weekend where everyday was so busy that I didn’t have time to write or work on my next recording. 

Last night in my dream I was in a house, in a room that had windows for walls. I walked to the windows and saw the most beautiful sight; The house was right next to (about a foot away) a beautiful clean river where the water looked clear blue/green. I saw only about a foot of sand and then the water lapping overtop, and I saw another house/cabin directly across the river from where I was -the river wasn’t very wide. Then the room where I was in began to move sideways and back, sideways and back again and I began to get off balanced and became afraid that the whole room would disconnect and float away. The room was only connected by one of the corners of the room. (My hearing feels unbalanced, though I’m not sure if this dream represents that.)

Then I was at an inside youth event and I was sitting on the floor leaning up against a wall with some of the youth. The area where I was, wasn’t directly in front of the main stage or the main leader who was standing and talking on stage, but I imagined that there was a whole group of people directly across from the stage too. I heard that he wanted a volunteer and I panicked a little, but then relaxed when I realized he wanted volunteers from the youth. (wouldn’t that be nice… to have the ability to mind-read:))  Then the scene changed where I was walking in the main leaders personal space in the woods. I had walked down a path between the trees and I knew that the main leader could see me as I walked. There was a bit of a short, steep climb and I struggled a little to get to the top; I had at first tried to get to the top directly from in the middle, and I didn’t make it so I tried again a bit to the side where it wasn’t as steep, and then I made it to the top. I knew that for him it wasn’t difficult at all. Then I walked close to his shed and I saw the shed was a closet that had four really big red jerrycans full of oil on the shelf that looked like it had been stored there for awhile. Each of these jerrycans where about the height, width and length of my desk, about three feet high and were placed beside each other, one on top of the other. There were some other things that were stuffed in the closet too but these four were the main things in it. I have a small Ikea desk, but for a jerrycan it’s big. Then I was turning around to head back when the dream ended. Then the scene changed again where I was beside an organ and I knew that the organ needed to be bought by someone. Then the main leaders dad had come and stood right in front of the organ. I saw him looking down at it and he began to press some of the keys to see in what condition the organ was in. He said that it needed oil. I sensed in my dream that he was going to buy the organ. In my dream I knew that the organ had something to do with me. After this last weekend I feel like I need the Lord’s anointing in order to get my next recording ready.  

Last Saturday my husband and I went to one of his running-buddy’s wedding. It was a beautiful wedding, but what took me by surprise was when we were done our meal, one of the gals sitting at our table took the small round cake that was part of the table’s center-piece, and because we didn’t have a knife to cut the cake, she cut the cake by flipping her wine glass upside down and pressing down into the cake, so then she had her piece of cake in her wineglass! She did this with each of our wineglasses and I thought it was so neat because I had dreamt about eating a really good dessert in a dessert goblet, though the dessert in my dream had so much more flavour! It was like the dessert at the wedding was a knockoff to the real dessert in my dream! In our gathering yesterday I was also surprised that part of the conversation around the table was about product counterfeits/knockoffs:) On Sunday we had roasted chicken with mashed potatoes, asparagus, cranberry sauce, stuffing and gravy, and pumpkin pie with whipping cream:) In the last few years as I was trying to figure things out, the Lord gave me a dream about faithfulness. As I was walking by a long table in my home, I saw someone who represents my husband, sitting behind the length of table, facing me and watching me as I walked by. I vaguely saw all our grown children and their spouses. They were sitting around the table having a conversation and were also in the kitchen, where they listened to something I had to say about a dessert. I love remembering this dream because it speaks to me about love and faithfulness…my family that I love….❤️‍🔥I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend -much love and blessings to you!!!