
Dad, I feel like I’m your daughter. I know that I am because of your Word, but as I quieted my heart before you this morning, I really got a sense of that. 

What does this mean to you Caroline, that you’re my daughter? 

I feel like I belong.. I feel valued and loved by you, my Dad. I also feel like as your daughter, you are going to make a way for me to do what you’ve called me to do, including the financial part of it. 

My daughter come, let’s walk this next road together, you and I. 

Dad, this individual walk you have with me, and that you have with each one of your children, tells me that I’m important to you which also gives me a sense of value and worth. Among other ways, it also tells me that you love me. I recognize that you’re building a solid core in me. 

I am.

Father, please come and continue to pour into this core area of who I am so that as I begin to walk deeper into the calling you’ve given me, that I won’t be easily shaken. I won’t forget what you’ve shown me or the words you’ve spoken to me about, and I will remember and do what you’ve asked. I love being out in the strong wind that represents the Holy Spirit; please come and continue to do your work in me and continue to lead me in the way I should go. 

Come my daughter, you are Mine and I will surely do as you’ve asked. I love you Caroline and I’ve called you. I call you now again, will you come my daughter? 

Yes Dad, I will come, beginning right now as we speak. 

I bless you Caroline, and I love you.


Two nights ago the Lord gave me a dream where I was in a school of higher learning. I was standing on a very high balcony, standing very close to the edge on a platform, speaking a sermon (afterwards I sensed the word “verge,” like I’m on the verge of something happening). I could see down below a theatre type setting that had rows of comfortable seats facing the stage. I vaguely remember seeing a little bit of an area up front, a bit separated from the rest of the seats, facing what could have been a pulpit. The room was carpeted, and I didn’t see distinct colours but altogether it had a nice, rich-in-colour and warm feeling. The room was empty, and I saw my feet walk very close to the edge of the platform without fear as I practised speaking -I sensed confidence.