Jesus is Rich in Love

Psalm 145:8

“The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.”

Caroline, I have something for you this morning.

Father, I need to know what it is.

Remember that I love you. Rest -be anxious for nothing; I am near.

Okay, I trust in you Father. I need to remember this because my heart melts every time I do. 

Draw near my darling and be intimate with me.

Father, I live to be intimate with you. All the things I need to do overwhelms me, and then I don’t have this intimacy as my perspective. Please forgive me when this happens.

I forgive you my daughter. Come now, it’s not too late. 

Thank-you Dad -I love you..


Happy Friday!! Can you believe it actually snowed yesterday? It seems like time has a mind of it’s own where sometimes it walks slowly and in the next moment it seems to fly by! I had a few dreams last night, but the Lord woke me up at 3:11 first, to draw me closer to himself again in my heart -I love when this happens.. In the first dream I was really high up on what reminds me of three long chopsticks that were leaning up against the eavestroughs of a house. I saw that I was holding onto the top end of the chopsticks and I needed to slide down them all the way to the ground. I saw all the people standing on the ground way down below and I wondered why I was the one chosen to show them how to do it. The people were all cheering me on and I was not afraid, but overwhelmed.😭 I saw a thin black rope that I could hold onto that would help me go down and I saw that I was holding onto it. I thought I saw the end of the rope and wondered how I was going to reach the bottom if the rope wasn’t long enough, but then the scene changed where I was surprised that I was nearly at the bottom and the rope had been long enough. I saw there was a big square cushion that I saw being placed onto the ground that leaned onto the chopsticks to help me transition onto the ground. I was also surprised that the rope had reached all the way down to the bottom. I’m not sure exactly what this represents but generally I think the Lord is showing me that with his help I can do what he’s asked me to do, which is finish what could be the last three recordings in this particular time-frame.

I had climbed to the top of a long slide not by stairs but by climbing up the slide itself. The slide was shaped like a “U” with both sides coming up. There was someone standing on the landing on top of the stairs , facing the stairs that led down but he was turning his head and looking at me (he was planning on taking the stairs down.). I didn’t hear him say it but I knew he wanted me to go back down, so instead of taking the stairs I thought to just slide down because it would be faster, so this is what I was going to do. The meaning of this I believe represents that it took a lot of work to get to the top, or to get to where I am at the moment with my recordings and in my journey with Jesus. Maybe the Lord is showing me that the rest of this time frame won’t be as difficult as it’s been.

I was at a clinic waiting in the waiting room for someone who was getting their diagnosis from a doctor. Then the doctor came to me and told me that they had a heart condition (I think) and that they were basically done, not much time left. I said okay, like this was merely information, and then he left. Then afterwards I was talking with my mom who had been in the room with them and I asked her what he said, and she said that he said that he didn’t want to go right away but would leave after my mom was gone. I was filled with fear at the thought of this person staying longer because of what they may say to me when we’d be alone. Then the scene changed where I was in the passenger side of the car, and I learned that my mom wasn’t with us but was at the airport, and I frantically said that we needed to go get my mom! My mom represents making food/spending time with God which is how I eat spiritually. I know that lately I’ve been having such a difficult time getting up early to spend time with God, and I know how detrimental this is. I’m sensing the Lord is calling me to fast again sometime soon, and I know I really need to focus on my next recording which I’ve begun to put together.

I just want to say that lately my ears have been bothering me; I need to find another family doctor because my new one also resigned. But I need to get my ears checked and I’m trying not to become discouraged about it. The feeling I have is that I’m slowly not hearing like I used too, and there’s a cloudiness inside by my ears. A few days ago I was at my daughters volleyball game and when I heard piercing cheers and yells on my left side, if I didn’t close that ear with my finger, that sound would come rushing in and I could feel it travel all the way to the other side and out my other ear. I’m trusting in God about it because really, what’s most important is that He is my Rock and he’ll never leave or abandon me, so I’m okay:) I heard in my heart God’s reassurance that he’ll take care of me, so I’m trusting him.. Love and blessings to you!!