Jesus My Rock

1 Chronicles 16:34

“Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His steadfast love endures forever!” 

My Father, I’m so deeply thankful for your work in my life; it’s because of it that I’m more alive now than I’ve ever been. Thank-you for breathing new life in me -I love you.

My daughter, come. I love you with all of who I am -you are Mine.

Father, do you have a word for me today?

“I am faithful.”

Thank-you Lord. I’m just thinking about all the areas in my life this applies to, and I know that it applies to every single one of them. Thank-you for your faithfulness. You are my Rock and my deliverer. 

Come my darling, the time is near -rest.


Hello everyone, sorry I’ve not posted these last few days -I feel like I have so much to write today. I brought my daughter Bella to her paediatric appointment this afternoon, one of her last because our paediatrician is retiring. I’m the most sad about this one because she has been such a huge blessing to us. I’ve taken my kids to see her since they were only a few years old, so we’ll definitely miss her a lot.. These last few days have been a bit difficult and so I’ve not posted. On Oct.15th I woke up at 4:40 with the lyrics, “I need you to hold me even closer, just a little closer…” Yes Jesus, please draw me closer.. 

Oct.16 -Sunday: I dreamt that I was standing in front of our bathroom sink washing my face. Then I saw the water coming out of the faucet was dirty yellow, and the flow was slow. Then I also saw that the sink was dirty from the water and saw there were two black oval blobs, each the size of a mouse, and I splashed water on them to make them go down the drain. I saw one of them go down into the drain before I awoke. I did’t see them come from the faucet but in my dream I knew they had come from there. The last few days have been difficult and this may represent that.

October 17- Monday: I dreamt that my husband and I were standing, talking on the phone with one of our friends from Brazil -her name means “Heaven.” I think she was on speaker phone. I sensed she was not in Brazil but close-by. When I heard her voice I was so overcome with missing her that I couldn’t even speak. I had such a deep inner groaning within me of missing her that I could hardly take a breath… Then she was in Brazil and had called us again, and I found myself in such deep anguish of missing her that I could hardly breathe because I had such a deep sob -so then there was silence.. I felt that my husband was actually Jesus and his heart was just as much in anguish as mine, and in this way he was carrying what I was carrying and was going through exactly what I was going through.. 

October 18 -Tuesday: Last night I dreamt that I was standing by a cement floor that had a lot of garbage scattered around on it. This floor was like a basement concrete floor in the laundry room that has a drain. Laying flat on the floor was also a wool sweater and some jackets that were also lying flat in a pile. These jackets were winter jackets, and I recognized a few of them to be my kids jackets. I had a big pail of dirty water that I was pouring out, and the way I was pouring it out was along the length of it so the water would clean the floor before it drained. After I had dumped the water, I saw the sweater and quickly picked it up so it wouldn’t get wet or absorb the water, and then I also saw the pile of winter jackets and I quickly picked it up and relocated it so they wouldn’t be directly in the flow of the water that I saw was coming really quickly. I didn’t see exactly but there were about three or four jackets. Then I saw there was one more laying on the floor, and this jacket was a darker colour.  I’m thinking that the winter jackets on the floor means that I’m in the season where I’ll be able to put the winter jackets away, meaning that the difficulty won’t last past this season (pouring out the dirty water).

In this dream I was exposed and as I was looking thought a window from the second floor, I saw a bus arrive at the building I was in and thought they could probably see me. I was fine but became aware of myself so I hid on the floor behind the sofa -I need to pray about this one… In this next dream I was standing outside with my husband who represents Jesus, and Lucas was somewhere behind us, close-by. We were facing bushes and trees when all of a sudden two jackrabbits (I think) rushed out from where they were being intimate together, and I saw a small black straggly wet dog come from the bushes where it had scared them, which caused them to run. Then one of the jackrabbits came rushing towards me and stopped when it was close to me and just stared at me. I was standing by an old and broken swing, and it had stopped right underneath it. Then I heard Lucas yell, “They were vibing.” Then I looked towards the bushes again and saw two rabbits that had stopped and were looking at me, and Jesus was quietly standing beside me during this whole time, though I sensed him more than I saw. This whole dream I think speaks about heart to heart intimacy with Jesus. The dog represents what caused this intimacy to pause these last few days… Then I awoke by my alarm but fell back asleep a bit, and as I awoke again I heard these words, one word at a time, “We have to make an appointment first.” Thanks for being part of my journey into intimacy with the Lord. I don’t always know what the Lord means when he gives me dreams but that’s part of my pursuit of him. Through them God shows me that he cares about every little thing about me and it causes the bridge between us to grow stronger. Blessings to you!!