Because there’s Hope

Psalm 37:4

“Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” 

My Father, please come. I invite you here with me. Please show me my heart so that I can see where I need to change in order to come directly into the centre of your will. I love you -my whole heart and my whole life is all about you Father. 

My Caroline, I’m here. Rest -I am your help. My daughter come into my embrace and rest. Be anxious for nothing.

Yes Father. Help me rest and receive your comfort as I prepare for my recording this week. 

Surely I am with you always my faithful one. 


Craving coffee!!! Sunday during the night I woke up around 12:10, not sure exactly the time, but I dreamt that I was upstairs in my parents house -it felt like I was living there before I was married. I heard Jesus my husband’s voice as he was talking in the living-room downstairs with some of my other family members, feeling like he was talking with my dad, and I excitedly went downstairs about halfway and peeked the rest of the way down to see him. When I saw him, he also looked up at me and we smiled at each other. As I smiled at him, I said hi and waved. I saw that he was sitting/relaxing in the middle of the couch, looking really comfy. Then I went back upstairs for some reason and I saw Bella standing kind of in front of me, wanting to go downstairs to join them. I thought that normally we’d go downstairs together but then I thought we didn’t always need to be walking together, so I didn’t stop her from going down sooner than I. (I think this means that I very often have Bella beside me because it brings me comfort not needing to be by myself; I think though that my security shouldn’t be in if I’m with someone or not, but rather my security should be in knowing that I’m completely loved, which also means that I’m completely known if I’m truly loved. And because in this next part I did go down by myself, being secure, represented in that I had changed my clothes; I am now secure in being fully known and fully loved and also feeling good about myself) Then as I was heading towards the stairs to go down, I heard my mom call and ask if I knew where a certain magazine was. I had a feeling like she needed it and wanted me to bring it to her. I told her that I didn’t know where it was and continued to go downstairs to the living room where he was. (a magazine represents information. My mom wanted a magazine, which could mean that she wanted to be informed about something? In waking life I feel ready in my heart for the next step, and I’m getting ready for my next recording) As I was walking down the stairs I looked down to see what I was wearing, thinking I was still wearing the same thing as the day before, which would be a bit embarrassing, but noticed that I had changed and was wearing something different. I saw that I was wearing a silver necklace over my semi-dressy, sweater type shirt and a dressy sweater overtop, so I was relieved. My clothes were kind of dressy and comfy at the same time. Then I thought I was standing behind a wall just around the corner of the living room, tucking in or adjusting my shirt before I’d walk into the living room, but then I turned around and saw that there was no wall there, and I was standing right in front of him, in full view of Jesus my husband who was enjoying watching me, smiling. I was surprised that it was all open and that I was standing right in front of him, and said something to that effect, motioning with my hands that I had tucked in my shirt and that he saw all of that. Because of his love and openness I just smiled and shrugged off what could have been uncomfortable and I walked in front of him to sit beside him on the couch, on his left hand side -I’m ready to sit beside Jesus my husband, yay! I know this represents that there’s nothing hidden between my heart and Jesus -I’m comfortable with him and I’m ready!!!

In the next dream I had a birds-eye-view, seeing a deep lake/deep water that wasn’t clear but a light brown colour that a river would have, and a highway along the side of it, and it was really windy, causing the water to be really choppy. The water was deep right from where the highway was; it didn’t have a beach where it gradually became deep. Then I was inside my house with Jesus my husband; our house was right in the middle of the lake. Then I told him that I was going to go swimming, wondering if he would come and help me. I’m not sure how he’d help me; in my dream it was more emotional support as he’d come alongside me somehow. At the end of my dream I was thinking about how hard it would be, hesitating a bit and also bracing myself. 🙏🏻I believe this represents that I’m not in the deep unknown high waves of the ocean anymore, but I’m about to dive into a hardship where the Holy Spirit is very present. Because there weren’t any high waves that I saw, it could represent that there won’t be any more big surprises, and that it’ll be a straight and steady swim.

Dream that there was a woman in front of me but I didn’t see her face; I saw her torso and I was dressing her. I had already put a shirt onto her but I saw that she wasn’t moving her arms to help so I needed to do all that for her too. Then I was also putting a sweater on her. This dream could also represent that I’m putting on new clothes; not lifting my arms could mean that I’m not using my own strength but relying on God to help me, though relying on God almost feels like work because I need to constantly remind myself to rest and work on not doing it in my own strength.

In this next dream someone had bought our current house/ property here in town and I was inside their garage. I looked around and by the back wall of the garage I saw boots and other things lined up against the wall on the cement floor. When I saw this I felt the change or the difference between ownership; what was in the past and what was now. They had done some renovations; there was a secret door that looked like part of the new back wall, and I stepped over their stuff and pushed open the wall which was actually a door and I walked through it. Then I was talking with the lady who owned the house now and told her what I did when I lived there. I told her that I closed the big garage door halfway so that the people who passed by couldn’t see completely in. I said this because I saw that the garage door was completely open. She said something like “oh.” Then I was walking through where the current door is to the workshop and I saw to my left a whole new area, so I walked in it -it was brightly lit like there were a lot of windows. This new area had a really wide hallway that went around the garage and lead to the front area. Then it was like I was at an MCC, though still in her garage at the front I think. I was walking around when I heard the lady who lived there tell Joao to close the piano drawer. Then I looked to see what the lady was talking about and saw a piano that had a drawer at the top that was all the way open, and Joao needed to go and close it. He went and walked that way but didn’t touch it and came back, so then I told him that the lady said she wanted him to close it, so he went back to close it. Then I saw all or a lot of our things there, still on the shelves like they’d be at home. It felt like they had already been there for a while. I saw a bigger shelf with a lot of our bigger things like vases. I saw a thick glass vase that was a dark yellowish brown. I had it in my hands and I put it back, thinking that maybe I’d keep it because it could still be useful -I saw the value in it. Then I saw someone standing in front of me, interested in buying it. Then I saw a really small shelf that could be put onto a dresser for display, and it had many tiny things organized in it. I was just observing all of this. 

Tonight’s Halloween. Growing up we never celebrated it, but my siblings and I went trick-or-treating a few times. I remember my brothers come home with their pillow cases almost filled -I don’t know how they managed that! Tonight my kiddos and I will be going to church, leading some of the games so that kids have a safe place to go and still have fun! I’ve never put on a costume, though I can see the fun in it! I’m thinking to start Crossfit again, but I’ll wait until my next recording is done this week. Blessings:)