Eyes on You Lord

Ephesians 5:19,20

“Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 


Caroline my faithful one, I have something for you today. 

Father, thank-you for it. I love you. What is it?

Rest. It’s through resting that you’ll hear my voice. And it’s through rest that you’ll be able to follow me. Come now, the time is right. You are Mine -I love you.

Father, how can I so easily forget? I’m determined to keep my eyes on you Lord, and I can feel anxiousness fall away. You are my Northern Star, and I look to you to guide my every step. You are my firm foundation and I’m deeply rooted in you. Thank-you for your way with me. I’m so thankful…

Come my faithful one, we’ll do this together, you and I. 


Good morning!! I’m here in my happy place, sitting by my desk writing and enjoying a combination of plain greek yogurt (though I enjoy Vanilla more), Kirkland Chia seeds from Costco, a handful of pecans halves and slivered almonds, some granola and frozen blueberries, mmm:) I’m cooking a chicken today, making chicken broth for chicken noodle soup! Normally I make noodles for it but this time I bought noodles already made. I had so much fun last night, volunteering at church! We rented Top Gun this last weekend -fun! 

Last night the Lord gave me another dream, and in this dream I was standing in a really big room; I was standing on the right side near a wall, facing forward and observing what was going on around me. I felt like I had found or I had been found I’m not sure, but in this very large room was a group of people that I was intimidated by; it felt like they were a group of people that were hidden somewhere in the bush, running an illegal drug operation, and it kind of felt like I was being held captive by them yet not really. There where official people standing in front of it, looking into it and guarding it all the time. I saw some of them look at me, and because I wasn’t a threat, they didn’t do or say anything to me. I was thinking they were growing illegal stuff so I peaked into the “cauldron” that looked like a really big rectangular in-ground pool, as long as the room itself. From where I was, I peeked into it and saw huge long bars of gold. It reminds me of the kitkat bar I got yesterday, except that the bars were golden. These bars filled the “pool.” This pool was about 7 meters long and about 3 meters wide. There was a short ledge about one foot high and one foot wide, running along the edge of the entire pool. The bars of gold were about two feet wide and about two feet thick, and reached from one end of the pool to the other. They were as long as the rectangular pool and filled the pool (I think) up to floor level. I didn’t see how deep the pool was. Then I looked in front of me and saw Lucas happily painting the wall that I was standing right next to, white, with a paint roller, and a lot of it had already been painted. I’ve dreamt about a white wall before, and I think it means having a fresh start. Then I’m not sure if this was in the beginning of my dream or the end, but I saw that I was in the bush and there was a small person in front of me, smiling from ear to ear, and I thought, ‘hmm, I know with which people you’re involved with!” (because I saw them with the other people, even though in my dream I don’t remember seeing them there) 

Okay, I don’t know the exact interpretation, but I think that the Lord is showing me that our walk together is golden.. And just like we’ve gone so deep and long in hardship, God has brought healing and so much growth in a love relationship with him.. On the other hand, not to take away but to add to it, I’ve not been shown to stop recording after this week, so if there’s more and I’m holding myself back, then my prayer is that the Lord will show me how I’m holding back or guarding what he wants to bring into the light. 🙏🏻I added a bit in Following Your Lead. I’m making myself ready to record tomorrow!! (Thurs) Love and blessings to you..