Belt of Truth!!!

Numbers 15:40,41

“Then you will remember to obey all my commands and will be consecrated to your God. I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt to be your God. I am the Lord your God.” 

Father, I love you..

Come my faithful one, you are mine. I have a word for you today.

Father, I strongly sense the word, “finished.”

Yes my daughter, this is right. All is complete.

Father, wow, I’ve waited so long for this! 

Yes my darling, so have I. 

Father, I’m sensing also that we’re going to begin another journey really soon. Thank-you for preparing me so that I’m ready for this next step. I love you Lord and I praise your Holy name! 

I love you Caroline.

I love you too Dad! 


I had a few dreams last night! I was standing in line with a few of my siblings and my mom; my dad was very near death and he was sitting on a chair, receiving gifts from all of us. I had seen my mom putting her arm around him very affectionately as they walked in front of me before he sat down. I was standing to the side watching everyone give him gifts and felt saddened that I didn’t have a gift to give him. In my dream I was thinking that I had never given him a gift, so now is my chance to do it. I wondered if I was too late, thinking he could pass away any moment. So then I had gone out and bought him a gift (In my dream I don’t remember going out and getting him a gift). I had his gift in my hand -a mug that had three artistically looking handles on it. I vaguely remember seeing that it was a bluish-green colour, but I’m not exactly sure. When my mom saw it, she exclaimed with excitement that I had a gift for dad and took it from my hands. Then I saw that it had been put on a pile of cloth that had been put on a table in front of him. I had seen another sibling give him a gift that wasn’t wrapped, so I knew that the gift I bought for my dad didn’t need to be wrapped. Then I saw that I was wearing a belt -I had a belt around my waist that had a flat rectangular shaped buckle, and I saw the straight row of holes on the leather part of it. I vaguely saw that the part of the belt with all the holes had been covered with leather, and then this leather covering had been taken off. I’m not exactly sure why I saw it (belt of truth! Ephesians 6:14).

My dad represents earning money because he had for the most part been the only source of income for our family. So because in this part of the dream he was going to pass away, I believe shows that something in my walk with Jesus has been paid, which I believe are my recordings. And the gift I  bought for him was a coffee mug with three handles, representing a handle for myself, Jesus my husband, and the Holy Spirit. This mug of deep friendship and intimacy was put onto the table, fully exposed and resting on what I think are the tablecloths that represent my recordings and our whole faith walk/journey into belief and intimacy together. My mom took the mug from my hands which also represents that this part of our journey is done!! 

Then I saw my dad standing by the door, facing my two older brothers, Peter and Bill. My dads back was towards the door and my brothers were facing him, which means they were facing the door. I was standing, facing my dad so I saw the side of him. I was standing with them inside in the entrance. They both looked strong, youthful with sort of longer brown hair, and eager. My dad looked younger too and looked healthy. (I think this represents that a transition has taken place for our next part of our journey together.) They were talking and Bill was told that he needed to teach it, so I think I said again to him that now he needed to go and teach (He was a little distance away, I don’t know exactly, maybe from one end of the house or long room to the other, facing me and looking at me with our eyes locking when I said it.). 

Then in this next dream I was outside. In front of me were miles of fields and farms. Then I saw to my left a farm that was completely engulfed in flames! Then I looked to my right and saw another farm completely engulfed in flames! Then I saw a farm that had thick dark smoke rising from it, and I didn’t see any flames on that one. Then as I kept on looking I saw that every farm in my view was engulfed in flames. Every farm, except the one with the smoke, had deep orange flames that engulfed the whole farms, and these farms didn’t have any smoke coming from them. I also didn’t see that they were being burned up -I saw lots of greenery that represented the farms. It reminds me of the story of Moses when the Lord appeared to him in the burning bush; the bush was on fire but it wasn’t burning up. (God is an all consuming, passionate and Holy fire, purifying our hearts as we are changed to becoming more like Him as we walk with him/spend time with him everyday.) Then I noticed that I was standing on a hill and there was a farm a little distance away that was on fire, and the small part of the field leading up to where I was standing had also caught on fire. The farmer who owned the farm and the field was nearby, splashing water on this part which looked like a rectangular shaped area, which was at the foot of the hill leading up to where I was standing. He was splashing water on it with something in his hand that I didn’t see clearly, but I’m assuming it was a bucket. The field looked like full-grown wheat and looked golden (ready for harvest?) I thought to myself that it was good that the farmer was putting out the flames. Then I was telling my family members that all the farms were on fire. I have a sense that something is quenched or satisfied. God has ignited my heart and other peoples hearts with his passion!!! I believe that my recordings are done!! 

In this next part I’m not sure if these are two small dreams or one. But I believe that the second part is about crossfit. I was parking in small parking lot, on the left side at the foot of a green hill. I could see middle/tops of many tall trees and knew that beyond the hill was a deep valley that I needed to go into. I felt a bit intimidated at the depth of the valley as I was parking. I also saw a sign that showed three pathways: one going up in the middle and one on each side of it, slanting out a bit. Then I began backing out. In this next part I was slowly driving on a small gravel windy path. As I was driving I noticed that a lake was blocking the path and also noticed that the whole area where the path was, was actually the floor of the lake. The lake had receded so much. So then I turned around and began going back. Then I saw some people that represent crossfit on the side of the path -they were watching me. Then I noticed that I was sitting on a box-spring, trying to push myself with my legs. Then I told them that I felt like a child. I think this represents that when I go back, I’m going to have to begin all over again. I had done so well and became really fit, and now I don’t have any of that. The cross-training gym where I went had a nickname, “the box,” but the actual name is Shopgym. It used to be a crossfit gym, but they found it to be too expensive to pay for the title, so they dropped the title but still do their workouts the same as a crossfit gym would. To do crossfit again is a big deal for me because I know how hard their workouts are. When I’m there I really enjoy it, so I just need to get myself there! I’m planning to sign up today.. Many blessings to you!!!