
My Father, You are mine and I love you. I’m standing before you and I know my heart is in right standing before you. You’ve led me in deep waters and have kept me from drowning. You’ve also given me something to grab ahold of as I’ve pulled myself up onto the top of a very steep hill. Only with your help have I been able to do this. Thank you for helping me persevere. Thank you for your Goodness and your Love that always pursues me and beckons me forward at the same time. Thank you that your goodness and love surround me wherever I go. 

I love you my dear one.

Dad, I’m feeling overwhelmed this morning. Please help me do this next recording today.

My daughter, I am faithful and I will help you -don’t worry. I will lead you in the way you should go, for you are my daughter in whom I delight, and I am well pleased with you. 

Okay. I trust you Father with all of my being. I believe that you will help me, and I believe that you delight in me and that you are well pleased with me. This gives me assurance that you are with me. Thank you for your nearness today, because I need you so much. 

Caroline, quiet your heart from being anxious. There’s no need to be anxious -I’m right here, very close to you. Listen to my still small voice today -I am yours. 

Jesus, I rest in you in the river. Thank you for your peace.