Known -Loved -Belong

Dad, you showed me last night that I’m turning a corner, making a right turn, but this corner has about eight feet high white snow ridges. I couldn’t drive through it so I began pulling my car with my arms. Father, transitions are difficult, and I don’t know if using my arms was a good thing because it’s showing that I’m trying to go through this using my own strength. 

My daughter, come and rest. Begin to declare my word over you each day. You are weary, I know, but you are nearly there. Come, lean into me, you are mine.

Father, I am part of the Bride of Christ and I’m making myself ready for you, and you’re helping me get ready. Please continue to prune me so that I’ll be able to bear more fruit for you. Shine your light deep into any hidden areas of my heart so that my heart is more fully yours. Fill me Father with you presence because I need to stay close to you in this transition. You know my heart and I’m glad. To be known is to be loved and to be loved is to belong, and I belong here in the arms that won’t let go. 


The Lord gave me five dreams again last night and I won’t write every detail about them this time (I ended up writing it all out, sorry). The first one I talked about already; I was coming up to a T intersection, then I could hardly drive around the corner because the white snow was so deep, and I needed to go to the front and start pulling. I think this could represent me feeling stuck. This road led to the main hwy where I was headed.

In the second dream a lady had had a baby and both her and her husband, who I saw, were home. This baby had passed the very infant stage but still needed a lot of care (my recordings?) I took the baby from some kind of platform because it was rolling off, then vaguely sensed myself giving it to their dad. Then I was somewhere else and saw the lady who had gone back to work, trucking, which she was very sad about because she wanted to stay at home and take care of her baby, but because she was the one with a higher income, she needed to be the one out there working (There may be something the Lord wants me to work at). Then I saw her walk away from a dark background, like the back room of a big warehouse. I invited  her to come home with me but she continued to look down, indicating she was going to stay there. Here I’m thinking that there’s a part of me that will take some time to walk away from because of healing that needs to come?

This next dream I was standing by a highway, watching a man change the tires of his semi-truck. He was handling the skeleton part of it, what held it altogether, and the rest of the truck wasn’t there. All the old wheels were off and he asked me if I knew how ,to change the tires. Just letting you know that I do know how to change tires😉and in my dream I said yes, and began. Then he stopped me and showed me that the tires that needed to be put on were not the old kind, but the more advanced, and he began to do it to show me, putting on a large silver disk. Then he walked over to a radio. He had been listening to his sister talking on the radio and started talking on it with her. Then he hung up and walked over to where I was. Im sensing that as I keep recording, the Lord will lead me into knowing how to do it better.

In the next dream I was with someone in a small house, very crowded with stuff. The lady nearby wanted to talk with her daughter who was upstairs, and went around outside and climbed up the latter to the roof. The glass, transparent roof was steep and she began to tilt sideways and fell with the ladder. There was nothing we could do because we were watching from inside, so we prayed for her that she wouldn’t break any bones. Then we knew she was okay; she hadn’t broken any bones -she then had walked over to where we were standing and stood in front of us. Here I’m thinking that her falling has something to do with the transition I’m going through, and the good thing about it is that I’ll still be able to walk because I didn’t break any bones! I’ll make it through.

Then I awoke but fell back asleep and had a quick dream about someone sitting in a huge bus. They had just arrived from somewhere and the bus ride was over. She was just about to get up when I awoke. This also speaks about beginning something new!