Diving In!

Isaiah 44:1-3

“But now listen, O Jacob, my servant, Israel, whom I have chosen. This is what the Lord says -he who made you, who formed you in the womb, and who will help you: Do not be afraid, O Jacob, my servant, Jeshurun, whom I have chosen. For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants.” 

My Dad, thank-you for drawing near to me as I lean into you. Do you have a word for me today?

Rest. Draw near to me, for I am near. (I was not going to press in too much this morning.)

Okay Dad. I don’t really know what to talk about though. 

Come -you are Mine and I’ve got your back.

Okay. Thank-you. You said yesterday that I needed more ingredients  in my bowl to complete the recipe. How many more ingredients? I’m sensing the word “one.” Is this true Holy Spirit?

Yes my darling.

Then I pray that you’ll confirm it to me. I’m sensing this ingredient is going on stage one more time. Is this true Holy Spirit?

Yes my daughter.

Than I pray that you’ll confirm that with me too. Father, I feel like my heart is so dry. I know an oasis is coming; help me walk to this oasis Father.

I love you my daughter. You’re nearly there.

Okay Dad. Thank-you for calling me up on stage before my time of rest; I know its good preparation for what’s next. Father, is there something else you want to say?

Come my darling, all is well with you -you are Mine. 


Happy Friday! In my first dream I was in my house and I came across a hidden area that had a really big rectangular and really deep pool. In the room before this I saw a stream of water running along a wall; Along the wall was a narrow flat concrete path (about 4-5 inches wide) that the water was made to flow in, and I think it led to the pool (I didn’t actually see this connection but it just made sense.). Then I saw someone dive right into it. This pool was new to me and I hadn’t seen it before so I was just looking at it when I saw someone dive right into it. It seemed like the water was always moving, so I was walking along to where it was leading next and I saw/came to where the pool floor ended as it slightly sloped down to ground level where the water seeped back into the ground. I think the large pool could represent a mentorship program that I was introduced to, and I dove right in thinking I’d love to do it! 

I saw that in my house I had a big bathroom that had a number of stalls, and I was walking passed all of them because I was looking at them. I came to the two end ones, the one right against the wall was the larger one, and saw that they were full of stuff that was being stored. I’m not sure what the stuff represents in waking life, but I think it was stuff that needs to be thrown out.

I was travelling in a desert along some kind of wall, following it with my family who were following me when because we hadn’t found any water, we had turned around and went back. In my dream we had come there again and as I was turning around to go back I saw not to far from where we were, a few long hills that were blocking an oasis from being seen. I saw between two hills a small town with a beach by the ocean. Palm trees or other trees, cobble streets with a small park and houses. I was so excited as I told my family something about finding it, and we were going to go there right away. In waking life I feel that a certain part of my life has always been in a dessert. These last few years I’ve still been walking in the desert, yet God has led me to do things I’ve never done before while still in it, so I’ve needed to really depend on him in order to get them done. I’ve been learning to let go of myself and hold tightly onto him, trusting him with my life in every situation as I’ve been growing in knowing what God’s love and Jesus’ love, is. An oasis is coming, thank-you Father!!! 

I was in a changing room at the doctors office, looking up at the three hooks high on the wall. I somehow needed to hang upside-down on them like an elephant:) and I was trying to figure out a way to do that. There was a round stool in the room in front of me that I could use. The doctor was waiting in the waiting room for me. I thought to tell him that I was ready and then quickly go onto the hooks but I had no idea how to do that. Then I thought to just go and take a shower to get ready, so I was walking towards the shower when the dream ended. I think this dream is showing how I feel about myself of where I would like to be at physically, but thinking I don’t have a lot of time to get there, that it’s impossible to get to where I’d like to be before the doctor comes. Anyway, Lucas is feeling fine and has youth tonight, so I’m thankful for that! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend -Blessings!