A Hand-Written Note

Psalm 13:5,6

“But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, for he has been good to me.”

My Father, thank-you…

My daughter come, all is well with you.

Father, as I began writing your response to me just now, I remembered a quick picture you gave me last night. I’m overcome by your awesome presence in it. You are so Holy Father, and I’m so completely honoured that you would bring me into Your presence as I saw your note. Thank-you for every word you say to me. Thank-you for always drawing me close to you, for your nearness. 

Your welcome My daughter -I love you -you are Mine. Come My faithful one, we have much to do, and your part is to rest -rest in Me. 

Dad, I am Yours. I’m honoured to do everything you say. 

My daughter, it’s time. Are you ready?

Yes Father, I’m Totally ready. In my heart I’m running to what you’ve prepared me for, running forward with my heart fully Alive and fully in love with you…

Then come My darling, for I have spoken. Now is your time of rest, for all is now complete -you are Mine this day. 

Okay Jesus, thank-you. I fully rest in You. 


Morning!! I believe I saw a confirmation about going on stage one more time… I fried chicken wings/drumsticks in the Air Fryer for supper yesterday and baked potato wedges in the oven:)  Also watching World Cup. Last night I woke up just after midnight and I had these words in my heart, “Everyone has their own path.” Then at night I dreamt that I was running in a room that reminds me of an office with computers and desks all around; someone was chasing me, trying to hurt me and someone else was trying to defend me. Then the scene changed where we were still in the same room but that person felt bad for trying to hurt me and asked who I was engaged to? And then as I was smiling and handling some papers I said that I’m engaged to the Prime Minister!!! I felt so much in awe that I was engaged to him, and I felt like I had risen up to his level -I felt important like I was already there, walking in that office. So then the person had much more respect for me. He felt bad and said if he had known, he would have treated me better. Then I was dancing one-on-one with that person whom I would never see again after that, and it was like there was joy in the room which reflected my heart. It felt like this person was joyful as well and was planning to leave the room after our dance was over. Then I heard someone come quickly to the door. The enemy always wants to kill, steal and destroy any joy and any spiritual growth we have in the Lord and desires to keep us as far away from growing intimacy with him as much as possible.

Then I was inside a scientific space rocket office like NASA. This office was the office from where we launched rockets into space. I was one of the people who worked there. Someone higher in charge than me had called a person to come forward and I saw him stand straight up like in the military. I saw that he had longish straight blonde hair that came just passed his ear and slightly longer in the back; he was waiting for the person who had called him, for further instructions. This person really wanted to go into outer space. There was a risk involved in sending this person up because in the previous time, the person who they had sent had died. Then the scene changed where this person had gone up into outer space and we could see him on our computer screen. The person had told us that he was beginning to feel not well but that he’d be fine and wanted to keep going. Then the person in charge spoke his command to stop the flight, to shut the engine off so the spacecraft would turn around and head back to earth because he didn’t want to take the risk of that person dying. I could see through the monitor that the spacecraft had stopped by how the person seemed to float a little -less pressure inside from speeding up so fast, and I knew that the spacecraft was changing it’s course to come back down to earth. Then the next time I looked on the monitor I saw that the person inside the spacecraft had come out of his seat and was frantically working on the computer inside the spacecraft to get it to keep going, so I quickly set the alarm by yelling to the person in charge what he was doing -he needed to be stopped, to turn around and come back to earth. This dream I believe has something to do with my journey with Jesus. I feel like I’ve flown into outer space for him because I love him so much, and now it’s time to come back down. I know I need to go on stage one more time..

Then in this next scene I was standing in front of my small desk beside someone else who was also standing in front of their desk. I was putting something away/cleaning up my work station, laying down a light coloured strip of cloth and watching to see how the person beside me was doing it. There was a tablecloth on both of our work stations/desks, that hung about halfway down to the floor, and I had put the strip of cloth all the way down to the floor. Then I noticed that the person beside me had only let down their strip of cloth halfway down, which ended where the table cloth ended, making a straight line, so I pulled mine up to do the same. Then because it was very long, I brought the strip up and laid it across the top of the table and folded the rest of the length back down onto itself. I don’t know exactly what this represents, but I believe it’s showing that this particular part of my journey with Jesus is soon over.

This morning as I was just beginning to write my conversation with the Lord, I remembered this quick dream that I had also received last night. I vaguely remember seeing a hand-written note, a sentence written in cursive writing that Jesus had written on a white paper. It was beautifully and neatly written and in a perfectly straight line. I think it was long enough to become two lines of writing. I saw many “thee’s” and “thou’s” and I knew the Lord had written it because I had a knowing that it was from him; As I saw the sentence, I felt the Holiness, the Majestic, the Purity, Authority and the finality of it, a sentence written in heaven. I don’t know if I read it in my dream, but my eyes scanned it and I saw the words, thee, and thou several times and I remember that it was a statement, like a verdict of someone’s life because of all the thee’s and thou’s. Something has been established. God is God and I fully trust him because the one who created heaven and earth has also planned my life , and I’m so honoured to walk with him as best as I can. Blessings!!