
Psalm 57:10,11

“For great is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth.” 

My daughter, draw near to me and I will draw near to you. You are Mine -I love you. 

I love you too Lord.

Caroline My daughter, whats on your heart?

I’m tired. I know I need to push through so I’m leaning into you Father.

Come -rest.

Father, I’m pressing in more; I need you so much. Do you have more you want to say to me Father?

I love you Caroline -it’s time to rest; all is complete. 

Okay Dad, I believe you. Thank-you for your awesome and mighty way with me.


Hello everyone!! Last night I dreamt about a saxophone, flour, zucchini, and apples! I don’t remember in what order I dreamt them but in my zucchini dream I was waiting just outside of a town with a group of people; we were waiting for Lucas who was using the bathroom. Then it was me in the bathroom and I looked at the toilet and saw a huge zucchini sticking out of the toilet bowl -the height came up higher than the water tank and it was pretty wide. I had tried to flush and of course it didn’t work very well, so I got a white plastic bag and with both my hands I lifted up the zucchini and placed it in the bag to throw away.  I believe this dream represents a new idea that I had had, that the Lord showed me wasn’t for me (apple dream). The zucchini represents that the position at my church is a good one, but wasn’t for me so I need to throw away that idea:) 

In the flour dream I dreamt that another pandemic was just around the corner and people were beginning to stock up on food and other essential items. The person who represented my husband was going somewhere so I asked him to stop at the store and get more flour (I normally use Robin hood unbleached). I believe this dream is showing that a difficulty is coming and that I need to prepare myself for it.

In the apple dream I dreamt that I saw two groups of about 12 red apples that were placed two by two going up to make a row. Then the first group was gone and I accidentally made the second group of apples fall apart so that they weren’t sitting two by two anymore. The feeling I had in my dream was that these apples were someone else’s and I shouldn’t take them because of it. I believe I understand the meaning of this one; I had thought that maybe the Lord was opening the door for me to take a certain position at church, but I totally heard wrong when I was talking with the Lord about it yesterday. I’m glad to be corrected because I don’t want to go anywhere the Lord isn’t leading!

In the saxophone dream I was inside a house doing something, and a lady walked behind me to the side and she had a saxophone in her hands. She wanted me to use it. I believe this dream represents that the Holy Spirit wants me to write about how I’m feeling, which I’m doing.

In the last dream I was just in a vulnerable spot and someone was seeing my vulnerability; as I was working through it, they also saw it and understood. 

Yesterday I took my mom to her appointment in the city for 4 o’clock, and we needed to wait in the office for an hour and a half before the doctor came. He needed to go to an important meeting which was just in another room, and he couldn’t get away sooner, so by the time I got home it was 7:40!!! ☕️ This afternoon I needed to bring Bella to an orthodontist appointment, and tomorrow morning I’m going to the box for the 6 o’clock class, and then I’ll be subbing for the whole day. Blessings…