Love Comes Together

Proverbs 4:13

“Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life.” 

My Dad whom I love so very much.. thank-you for this very long, very difficult, very adventurous, very liberating, full of wisdom, mercy, guidance, and love, journey we’ve been on.. You’ve decluttered, cleansed and filled my heart, all with your unconditional love. I’m now ready to move forward…

Caroline my daughter come, the days have been many and are few. Come, lets walk this road together, you and I..

Yes Jesus, I’m walking right beside you…

Come my daughter, it’s time.

Okay Father, you are God Almighty who leads us in our journey of life. Its you who decides when the pages of our book are turned and when every pocket of time or season in our life is complete. I’ve learned so much, and it’s prepared me for this next part of our journey together.

You’ve done well my faithful daughter. Come, you are Mine -I love you.


Good morning everyone!! As I was folding my jeans this morning to put them away I found a piece of paper in one of my back pockets that said, “You are the apple of God’s eye.” and it brought comfort to my heart! I love apples and I’m so thankful for them!! I remember an incident about an apple and I feel bad about it, sorry that I had said anything about it.. Changing the subject, yesterday when I was doing my workout I scraped my neck with the barbell, so now I have a huge red mark on my neck:( In the first dream last night I was on a sidewalk in a busy city and there was a building right in front of me. I was with a girl under the age of 10. All of a sudden she wanted to run into the building to run away from her mom who had just parked next to the sidewalk on the street. She had a pink car which I vaguely saw. I saw she was there by the pink reflection on the building. So then the girl was in the building and I quickly ran into it too. Then I had walked inside the building all the way to the other side of it and came out onto the sidewalk at the end of the same street. My car was parked where I had gotten out of it at the beginning of the dream by the door I had gone through. Then I saw the girl about halfway down this block, motioning with her hand for me to quickly come and get into the car to get away. So I tried to run but couldn’t very well, but I tried to get there as quickly as possible hoping her mom wouldn’t see me through a shop window; I saw a rack of blouses through the window as I quickly passed by them. Then I was by my car and by a round table at the same time. Then the girls mom was standing nearby facing me and I saw the key as I started the car. Then it was like she was pleading for me not to leave as she said something softly like, “don’t leave,” and I immediately got out of the car and told her that I won’t leave. Then it was like I had been sitting at a round table with some other people, and when I got out of the car and told her that I won’t leave, a really heavy person fell over backwards onto the floor. After searching my heart with the Lord, I believe that God is just bringing me into a place of more freedom, which is represented in my dream when I stepped out of the car to be closer to the lady who was standing there waiting for me. As I stepped away from the car and closer to the lady, I believe a heaviness that I’d been carrying has fallen away.  

In the next dream I was at some kind of a festival, standing in a huge white tent. There was a man from a different culture standing right in front of me but not facing me; I saw the right side of him. He was scheduled to speak that evening, but he wasn’t ready because he didn’t have all of his writing or preparation ready. He asked me if I had something he could use and I told him that I had some writing done but it wasn’t a whole lot. It was like he was desperately needing more. Then I had a knowing that the subject he was going to talk about was love, and I said something about it, saying that love begins from every persons experience making this their point of view. He didn’t quiet agree with me and I could tell by his response that he was highly educated and knew much more deeply what love is than I did, and the feeling I had about him is that he was a pastor. I vaguely remember that a woman like my mentor or Holy Spirit, had directed him to talk to me; a woman who knew me well. 

Then the scene changed where I was holding a thick, hardcover Textbook in my hands and the title of the book is Love. The book was open and I was reading from somewhere in the middle of the book where I found it so interesting. It looked like a real textbook that had captions and photos among the paragraphs of writing. I was interested in something and turned a page back to find the beginning of that section. The person who had written the book was right next to me and I asked him how far I needed to go back in the book in order to understand this topic of what I was reading about, and I saw his hands as he took a section of the book, maybe about 100 pages. I knew that in order to fully understand the topic, I needed to start reading right from the beginning of the book because of the progression of it from the beginning to end. In my dream this whole book about love captivated my heart, like it was food for my heart, and I eagerly wanted to read the whole book starting at the beginning because of the richness of what I would learn. I believe that every person’s life is a book that we will all read in heaven one day. I deeply want to read and learn this book of love from the beginning to the end and then again forever in heaven, because love lives forever…. My book/writing isn’t complete without Jesus’ book, but when our stories come together is when we become complete, and I believe this Textbook of Love is what this represents… When I finally get to read this book, then I will learn from experience what real love is.. Today is December 3, 2022, @7:53AM, and I believe that this year ain’t over yet!! I am overcome with emotion because of how the Lord writes his stories. He is so wonderfully and mysteriously creative, and I think because he IS love, that only he knows the secret pathways of every persons heart that opens the door to true intimacy, which then grows into the kind of passion that only the Lord can create. Today I’m cleaning out our upright freezer -there’s so much ice build up in it. Through it all I long even more, for more heart-to-heart intimacy with Jesus…