Hope And Love

1 Corinthians 13:13

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love, But the greatest of these is love.” 

My faithful daughter, all is well with you. You are Mine -I love you.

Thank you Jesus -I love you too. Father, you know my heart better than I do; is there something about it that we need to talk about? Or do you have a word for me today? I sense the word, rest. Father, I’m really sensing your quietness this morning, which points to resting in you.

My daughter come, I have a word for your today -hope.

Father, I’m sure of the promises you’ve spoken to me about, I’ve just given up hope that your timing is soon. 

Rest Caroline, the time is near -don’t give up hope.

Okay Dad. I’m resting in you, knowing you’re good all the time and that your plans for me are perfect. I don’t want to be anywhere else except right in the middle of your will for me. Thank-you for your mercy. 

I love you my daughter -you are mine. 


I don’t have a lot to say today, but I will say that I went to the gym at five this morning! woohoo! I looked at my notebook and saw that it’s been 7 years since I went! And right before my 7 year break is when I could lift my best; On January 4th 2016 my one rep max for backsquat was 195lb, my press was 70 and my Deadlift was 210lb. So today we did an AMRAP: 5 rounds of 3 powercleans, 6 pushups and 9 airsquats with 1 min rest between sets. The weight for my powercleans was 55lbs and negatives for pushups. It was great but by the fourth round I was having difficulty finishing my pushups, but I’m so glad to be back! I think I’ll always go to the 5AM classes. It gives me more time to do my Bible study and also get myself and my kids ready for school/work. Yesterday in my post I talked about sometimes thinking that Jesus gets a bit tired of me or is disappointed, thinking how hard it’s been sometimes, but then this spiral suddenly stopped when I thought that there must have been another obvious meaning that only I would catch… and it completely stopped this ‘attack’ from continuing because as this new meaning dawned on me, everything else fell away and I was good… I was good because it reminded me that Jesus’ love is genuine and we’ve come such a long way. I still needed to talk about the feeling of disappointment which I only vaguely knew was in my heart; the Lord needed to show it to me that it was there, but I’m reassured since then.  I’m really craving more of Jesus and I know that he will draw me near as I draw near to him!!! ❤️‍🔥