Spiritual Employment

Isaiah 44:3

“For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants.”

My Father

My daughter come, I love you -you are Mine and I am taking good care of you.

Oh Dad. I’ve been thinking of the ways I’ll probably need to be more independent. I’m both grieved at the thought and freed in a way. Knowing that you’re still in charge helps me to rest. What puts my heart at rest as well is that I’m fully known and loved, and that I’m spiritually employed through you. 

My faithful daughter, come, I’m calling you forward. 

Father, I can see myself being on the bigger stage and thoroughly enjoying it. I also know what I would talk about; the baseline would be my testimony and I would bring truths about what I’ve learned from you into it. 

My daughter, are you ready to do this? 

 Father, I know that if I prepare myself well, then yes, I would love to go up. Father, the words, “let’s go up” keep pulsing in my mind. I’m sensing that I should begin preparing for it. 

Yes my darling, go for it -you can do it!

Okay. Help me to know where to begin.


Yes Lord, that feels right. My mind is already at work. Holy Spirit I pray that you’d bring to mind things I should include. I know that when the time is right, I’ll practice speaking to the younger crowd. My heart is willing Lord so please lead the way. 


Happy Sunday:) Last night in a dream I was in the most beautiful gigantic mansion. The only thing I was doing was walking down the stairs and looking at my surroundings, and this is what I saw: I sensed that I was somewhere a bit higher than the middle of the length of stairs going down -I didn’t see the top behind me and I didn’t see the bottom because it was too vague. The stairway was as wide as the length of my house and garage, and the distance down was longer. I didn’t see the ceiling but around me was so spacious that it seemed like it was really high up. Beside the stairway to the side was a large window. I didn’t notice the window because I focused on what what outside; I saw that the front of the mansion was facing a river. There was a beautiful green yard between the mansion and the river, and I vaguely saw trees along the river, so I didn’t see the river but knew it was there. I saw part of the front of the brick mansion which was the front entrance; it came further out than the rest of the house and was tall and wide as well. There was a really big room on the right side of the stairway that I only sensed, which was on the second level. I sensed there were two brothers and a sister living in the mansion. They were young adults already. One of the brothers was walking down the stairs slightly behind me so I didn’t see him, and he was saying something to his other brother who was in the room nearby. I think the brother on the stairs noticed that I was there because I sensed that he looked up from what he was doing to look at me as he was walking. Then as I was walking further down the stairs, looking down and forward, I had a home feeling about being there, kind of alone too but also peaceful. I’m thinking the Lord is showing me about my heart.

Then in another small dream I had been in a building, working at something and had walked out, and I was in front of the building between the building and the flower garden that was right in front of the building. I saw a bit of a path there and knew that it had been walked on a lot. I was in front of the building but off to the side when I saw my sister-in-law running on the path to go to the front where the door was. I wondered why she didn’t go directly to the door instead of running past the door and around the flower garden, then running on the path that lead to the door. But my sister-in-law was really happy and excited as she hurried passed me to run to the door. I dreamt about other things but I can’t seem to remember them, so I’m praying that if it’s important, the Holy Spirit will bring them to memory. I had forgotten about the part about my sister-in-law until I heard the message this morning. Deadlifts tomorrow morning! Blessings!!