A Long Embrace with Jesus

Psalm 34:7

“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.”

My Father, I love you. You are my life and my hope.

I love you my daughter. All is well with you -you are Mine.

Father, draw me close as I draw near to you. I need your nearness..

Come My daughter, rest. 


Good morning:) Last night I awoke at 3:57 but I waited a bit because of sleepiness, so I only saw 3:58. The same thing happened last week in one of the times I had woken up. In my dream last night I had been sleeping in my bed because it was nighttime, and I accidentally rolled off my bed and my blanket was rolled around me a bit. Jesus as my husband had been sitting at the table, working with some papers with the kitchen light on. When he was aware that I had fallen out of bed he came walking around the corner and was walking towards me to help me. Then I saw that he was close to me and I pulled him close and put my arms around his waist and rested the side of my face in his chest. We held each other in this embrace for a long time.. it was something I needed so very much and we cherished every moment. I had a knowing that we weren’t allowed to kiss each other on the lips. Then I saw that he was helping me put the blanket nicely back onto the bed. As he was helping me I asked him if he knew L.D., the speaker at an upcoming event, and he said yes, he knew (here he said the names of her two children), and said he thinks it’s good when they know another language. (I had dreamt about her awhile back, that she had a restaurant near my old Noble Ave. street. I had gone around a corner, which was where her restaurant was, and then a few more blocks to get onto Noble Ave.) Going back to my dream, Jesus had gone back to the kitchen, and I saw from the other side of the living room that there was a young boy sleeping on the couch with a blanket wrapped up around him. He was snuggled up in the creases of the couch and the backrest. I knew it would be wrong to go to the kitchen to be close to Jesus, so before my dream ended I was just about to go back to my room. Then the scene changed where Jesus as my husband was in front of me, organizing some things and talking with me. As he was talking with me, I noticed I couldn’t hear him very well, so I closed my right ear with my finger to see if I could hear him with my left ear, and I could hardly hear him. Then the next scene I had pulled something out from my right ear that reminds me of a cotton-ball that had been stuck there for awhile, and I said something like, “oh! That’s why I couldn’t hear very well!” In waking life I still notice that I can’t hear %100, but I’m thinking to get a doctor to look and see if it’s just wax buildup. I think three nights ago I had seen a picture of a small net covering a doorknob. I completely forgot about that dream. I think I could have gotten it because I kept on falling back asleep when I needed to get up, but I’m not certain about this. 

This morning at the gym we did Banded Sumo Deadlifts as the strength part, and my 1rep max was 145lb. We used the thinner black bands. I’m so thrilled to be lifting again!! Then we had a workout for time, and it took me 7:15 seconds to do: 12 Front Squats (85lbs, I did all 12 in a row, without taking a break!💪🏻), 12 row for calories; 9 front squats, 9row for calories; 6 front squats, 6row for calories. Blessings…