This Is Love

Philippians 4:6,7

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” 

My Father, I am yours and you are mine. I want to walk in the purpose you’ve given me, and I believe I’m taking steps in that direction. Release in me what you want to release. I’m ready Father, and I’m preparing my first “talk.”

I’m so proud of you my daughter. Come, I’m going to show you more.

Dad, I welcome everything you want to show me, so please show me more. Thank-you for wanting to show me more. I am yours. 

My faithful daughter, be at rest as you prepare, for I am always near to you. Caroline, I have another word for you.

What is it Father? Please draw me nearer so I can sense your voice.

Be at rest all the time, and then my peace will come. 

Okay Dad. Lately I’ve been more at rest and I’m at rest right now too; I do feel your peace. I also feel your joy and I can see how joy comes when I have peace. Thank-you for your wisdom Father. I know that you are near right now, and I know this is love. 

I am near to you my daughter -I bless the work of your hands. 


Hello everyone!! I woke up at 4:44 last night, and before I woke up in the morning I dreamt that I was driving in the field in a van with Lucas, taking a short-cut to town. I needed to turn around sharply because I saw a small area that was filled with water that was blocking the way to town. So I didn’t even hesitate and didn’t slow down but made a sharp U turn and headed back to the paved 59 highway. Then the scene changed where all of a sudden I had driven straight into a really steep ditch that had a lot of water in it. I tried driving in the water but couldn’t, and then I was holding on a high bar really tightly, trying to help the van drive out but the van couldn’t go up. Then the scene changed again where Lucas and I were inside the van that had filled with water about 3/4 ways up. I stuck my hand in the water and turned the keys to the left to turn the ignition off and I pulled out the keys -this was easy. Then I felt with my hand in the water and quickly found my black purse that was floating just underneath the surface of the water. Then the scene changed where we had gotten out of the van and ditch and I saw my opened wallet. My real wallet isn’t as big as what I saw in my dream; I saw three rows of many cards, and because they were all laminated, they weren’t damaged. Then I was on a flat escalator that moved me forward and around a bend and took me in front of a person at a window booth. People had left some kind of personal document there with him, and I had a pad of paper with my actual husbands name on each page. What I saw in front of me was a counter which was at the height of the window where the man was sitting, and on the counter was a row of personal documents; each person had left only one personal document, and the pad of paper that I had put down was in line with the others. This pad of paper is an actual pad of paper we’ve had in our house for a long time, but I think it’s been thrown out. The first few pages had writing on them but most of the papers had nothing written on them, besides his name on the bottom right corner. In my dream I wondered if I should rip out the pages that had writing on them and just leave that there with him, but the man indicated that I could leave the whole pad of paper there, it wouldn’t be a problem. 

Then the scene changed where I was in the crossfit room, not the actual, and I had been there in the morning. Then I had come back early afternoon, but I wasn’t allowed to take classes in the afternoon because there were others who needed to go, and by me not going would make room for them to go. The owner of the gym was there, Chrystal, who had told me I couldn’t stay, so in my dream I was going out of the building. I wished I could stay but knew it was other peoples turn. I knew that it was my husbands turn to go. 

Yesterday I had wondered, and do still wonder, about the day when we can finally sit down at the Lords table, having this pocket of time completed. I believe this represents the shortcut I had tried to take in my dream, wanting and wishing I knew the date of completion of this pocket of time, which would bring me into a time of celebration with Jesus. Well, I asked and I’m not supposed to take a shortcut by knowing. The good thing about this is that my U-turn was quick and I’m right back on track. The ditch I had all of a sudden found myself in wasn’t in that field, so I believe this represents another situation that I needed or will need to climb out of, which I easily did in my dream. My sense of identity wasn’t harmed. On another note, I’m preparing for my “talk” which will be pretty simple and straight forward!! ☕️