Psalm 3:3
“But you are a shield around me, O Lord; you bestow glory on me and lift up my head.”
Father, I love you. Thank-you for your pursuit of me; you’re changing my life.
Come my daughter, I am faithful.
Father, I don’t know what to say. Do you have a word for me today?
I love you Caroline. Rest. Be anxious for nothing, for I am near to you.
Okay Dad. I’m just wondering when will my life be easier? I’m tired.
I know you are my faithful daughter. Come, stay close to me and I will give you rest.
Last night I had a dream where I was up really high on a stack of empty round glass food containers we’d probably find in every kitchen. They were just big enough for me to be on. It was like I had shrunk and the food containers were really big, probably the size of the seat of a kitchen chair. As I was trying to stand on them and because it was really unstable, the whole thing began to tilt and I began to fall over. As I began to fall, I was holding onto the lid of the container I had been standing on and I pushed it to the side because I didn’t want to land on it. As I was falling, I saw about three closed huge countertop drawers that had either grown in size or I had shrunk, and I began holding onto the horizontal handles as I passed by them on my way down, which slowed my fall so that I was able to land gently onto the floor. I’m thinking that I need to take some time and renew my mind and just be with the Lord.. not think about anything else. I need a sabbatical!! This morning I wrote my “speech,” but felt really drained afterward. The empty food containers probably represent that I’m in need of spending more time with the Lord, reading, which I’ve not had time for. This morning at the box we worked on our Squat Snatch, working on our technique. I ended up working up to 55lbs, but the photo above is 45. Sorry, the photo is so big, not sure how to change that. Then we also worked on front squat technique, and Crystal was there this morning. She normally teaches the 6AM classes. Anyway, I’m subbing tomorrow morning.. love you all, blessings…