“Go Towards The Front”

1 John 3:1

“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.”

Father, thank-you for sending your one and only Son, Jesus, to die for my sins and sicknesses. Thank-you Jesus for taking all of the sins and sicknesses of all mankind upon yourself as you hung on the cross and died for us. You did this not in the power you have with being Gods Son, but only with regular human strength which is nothing in comparison to who you are. Thank-you for raising up to life again and giving each one of us a purpose because of it. Help me to walk deeper into my calling today and in the days and weeks to come. 

My faithful daughter, you are Mine and I am well pleased with you. Come, we have a lot of work to do, but the key to doing it, is Rest. As you rest you will hear my voice.

Okay Father, help me to remember this everyday. It’s so easy to forget because “worry” just barges in without asking permission. 

Welcome home my daughter. Today is a new day for you. You are Mine -I love you. All is well with you (you are in right standing with me).

Father I’m so thankful. Help me today to go towards the front. You know exactly what this means and the purpose for it, so I trust in you and will do it. Help me to know how far to the front I should go. 

You will know my daughter. Rest, for all is well with you. 


This morning I woke up at 5:52 because I heard the words, “Go towards the front,” in my heart/mind. So today in church I’m going to sit towards the front. I also had a dream where I was holding a little boy in my arms that was a few years old. We were in a very big building, and each section of the building had a different culture of people, yet this was only the sense I had; I didn’t see very many people though I knew they were there because I needed to take him to his mother, to his home without letting other people see because they were a threat to us somehow; we were only truly safe when we would enter into the section of the building that was his home. I remember in my dream that we would quietly and quickly walk through these sections, hoping not to be seen, and I was also shielding the boy (by turning slightly away) from seeing things that would scare him or that was bad for him to see. In the middle of going towards his home, we were in a wider hallway, and I partly saw someone walking with someone who was a spirit or who was half invisible. I slightly turned so that the boy wouldn’t see them because it would probably have scared him. When I looked at them they had just walked behind a wall, so I only saw for a moment a small portion of the invisible person. Then I quickly continued walking and walked through the door into the boys home, and I was so relieved that I had finally arrived. I also had the feeling of safety and could totally let down my guard; I had a “home” feeling. There were many people there as well and right before the dream ended I began looking for his mother, and I knew she’d be so full of joy to see him… In the middle of the dream when I was holding the boy and walking, the boy was holding onto blue ski pants. I knew that the ski pants were important to him so I also secured the ski pants more firmly in my arms.

I’m thinking to get contact lenses. I used to wear them a lot and then the stigmatism in my eyes changed so I couldn’t wear them anymore. In my last appointment my optometrist found some for me to try, just single vision, so when I try them I’ll only be able to see far distance. If I like them and want to begin wearing them again, then she could order them with my actual prescription. I haven’t tried them yet so I’ll see! I hope you’ll have a wonderful day today.. Blessings!!